Chapter 5

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Yesterday was so unexpected, I'm glad that Erishima and Saizu were able to figure the situation out but I'm afraid that was too easy, Saizu seemed so strict and serious from before, but I guess I misjudged her character, I guess that encounter with her at the park left a big impression on me for a first meeting, sure my meeting with Yomiko and Erishima were crazy as well, but it's hard to forget someone when they put a sword up to your neck, honestly I had never experienced anything wild or exciting in my life, up until now. I was just getting out of school when my eyes landed on Erishima by the gates with some of the guys that were in my homeroom class, she was wearing a black and pink outfit which I believed matched her personality completely, adorable and spunky, she then finally looked at my direction and ran towards me leaving the other guys behind, " Kyochi!" she happily tackled me in a hug as I somewhat laughed a bit, " What's up with you? I haven't been gone for a month" I said while brushing her off, " Not true! It felt like a year!" she giggled as she pulled my arm to follow, " Saizu wants me to take you home quick, she has something she wants to discuss with you" " Oh really? Then I guess we should hurry then huh?" " Kyochi hold up my guy!" I then froze in place with a solemn look on my face, what did Taka want this time? I sighed and turned around to face the smirking blonde boy, " Wow you two really had hit it off for only just meeting yesterday, I didn't think you had the guts to get a girl at all, I misunderstood you Kyochi" Taka said with a wink which absolutely disgusted me, can he not be himself for like a minute? " Actually, we have gotten close fast! I've been having fun with Kyochi already" I then smiled, how can anyone hate this cute girl? " Yeah that's true I have been having a lot of fun myself-" I then stopped in the middle of my sentence when I saw Taka smirking like a maniac until I realized mine and Erishima's words, Taka is not only a flirt, he is a major pervert! " Wait that's not what we meant Taka, get your head straight!" I said as my face started to turn red, I could tell as all of the heat when up to my cheeks, " I always think straight, I don't get girls by thinking happy things my sweet Kyochi" Taka said with a laugh, somehow I started to question him entirely in a whole new light, " Whatever Kyochi, just make sure you don't have too much fun without me" Taka said as he was leaving, " Like I will after hearing your weird comments!" I then sighed as I averted my gaze elsewhere while I heard Erishima giggle, ' I think we should go home" ' Yeah lets." Once we reached to my house Erishima went on in and jumped onto my couch and turned on the T.V, "Saizu is upstairs in your room waiting for you, good luck Kyochi" Erishima said as her eyes were glued on to the television as sudden nerves ran over my body, was it that serious? I walked up my stairs and walked into my room to see Saizu with crossed arms while sitting on my bed, " You wanted to talk with me Saizu? " I asked as I walked closer to her while setting my bag down and sat down next to her, " Yes, it's very important, you must listen closely and pay attention" She said with a serious tone as I turned stiff, " Look, this is nice of you and all, but you are technically risking your life for keeping us in this house" Saizu said as she looked ahead as I gulped nervously, " You can leave you know, it's not like I'm forcing you to stay" " I get that, but I know if I leave here I will have major regret" Regret? what did she mean by that, what could she possibly regret? is it about me knowing about her? " Look Saizu, you really don't have to regret about anything, if it's about me knowing you and the girls existence then that's it, I won't tell anyone about it, I promised you after all" " And I thank you for it, but there is law and rules for a reason, I need to erase your memory, but now that's going to be tough for a certain meifwa won't allow me to do so when she knows my intentions" 'You mean...Yomiko? Yomiko won't let you? How so?" Saizu then turned to me finally as her bright vibrant eyes stared into mine which took me aback, she is surely the most intimidating girl I have ever met, " Kyochi, have you stopped and wondered why she didn't erase your memory in the first place?" I then shook my head, I have not once thought about it, when I first heard about this I thought she forgot, but I guess that was not the case, " Yomiko has gotten to fond of you, to attached if you will, she is preventing me from doing so because she wants to stay with you and get closer, but she needs to know the proto call when someone is in danger, you have to take actions, it might not always be good ones, but if it gets the job done then that's all you need" I then turned away as I looked at the ground, I suppose there is no other choice, its either she erases my memory, or she uses her sword to end my life, I then inspected her weapon that laid beside her, the very weapon that was held against my neck, between those two choices, I rather keep remembering these girls, and if I have to die because of it then so be it," Do you think you can be truthful to Yomiko and Erishima about what happened?" " Lies are not my favorite trope, so of course I will tell them the truth, even if they will hate me for it" I then smiled sadly at her as I took a deep breath in, " Then let's do this at my backyard, we will gain some privacy" I then stood up and led her to the back of my house, my backyard was normal as the only nice thing about it was my tree swing, I looked around until I finally turned around to face Saizu, " I think I'm ready Saizu, thank you for letting me keep the memories with me" Saizu then gave me a shocked look, was she expecting something else? " Wait, You want it the other way, I'm sorry but not everyone wants their life taken away so easily" She said as walked closer to me, " That may be true, but it's something that I accept, I'm not really afraid to die, I'm more afraid for others wellbeing and safety, if I'm going to die, I will welcome it in open arms" As I looked at Saizu I could tell she was struggling, struggling to make a choice, wasn't this the whole point? then unexpectedly she grabbed her sword and used it to stab through the ground leaving it there as she let go of it, " You heard me say this before and I will say it again, Kyochi you have a kind heart, way too kind, and that will leave you hurt someday if you give your heart to the wrong person, but..." Saizu then came up to me and placed her hand on my beating heart as I stared at her somewhat flustered, " But if you trust me enough, then I can protect your heart with my own life, sense those memories are something you hold close, then I will make it my personal goal to make your heart stronger, you got that?" I then smiled happily as I grabbed her hand and held it in my own, " Thank You Saizu, that means everything to me, and I promise I will do what I can to make you just as happy as I am, and that's something I'm willing to keep."

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