The end

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Unfortunately, the big visit didn't begin or end well. From the second Ford swung his door open with a crossbow aimed at his brother, Stanley knew Ford was not in his right mind.

"Who is it? Have you come to steal my eyes?!" Ford questioned. His face looked drained from color and bags were forming under his eyes. He also had brunette, bedhead hair.

"Well, I can always count on you for a warm welcome." Stanley stated sarcastically. However, Stanley really was relieved and glad to see his brother again. He wanted to just hug him. But, he didn't.

Stanford invited Stanley into his home, which was littered with lab papers and strange samples or parts of the anomalies that Stanford had been finding. Stanley was forced to get a bright flashlight flared in his eyes. "Hey!" He said. "What gives?" He shoved his brother away from him, blinking his eyes until the colorful spots in his vision went away.

Stanford stepped back, excusing himself. "Sorry, I just had to make sure you weren't - uh, it's nothing. Come in. Come in." Stanley was not prepared for what came next. After the years that passed them by, all Stanford cared about was his research being well-hidden to keep his machine from being used again. Stanley let out an outburst of anger. It almost seemed as if he had been building up all of his anger inside of him for the past decade, until it finally blew up for everyone to see. All the anger he kept inside was to prepare himself for the day when he'd see his brother again - ticking down its last seconds until he finally exploded.

As Stanley started complaining about Stanford's dumb request, it caused them to get physical. From the moment Stanley attempted to set a lighter to his brother's journal, Stanford tackled him to the ground. Their fight only escalated from there. The two Stans shoved each other onto the machine's control panels, which activated the portal. They didn't even bother to take notice. Stanley tried twice as hard to push his brother off of him, which knocked them back to the ground. They were like bulls, battling for dominance. Their teeth were bared. Their faces, clenched tight in rage. It didn't end until Stanford was being tossed back into the main room, where the portal moaned to life.

Stan sighed, remembering the day he lost his brother like it was yesterday. "After the whole fight, Ford had left me. Gone - just like that. He was sucked into the portal without any warning. I tried for weeks to get that dumb machine working again. But, without the other journals, it was hopeless. Eventually, I ran out of food and had to go out into town.

While at the store, I captured the attention of the town's people. They were curious to the newbie in town, alright. They wanted to get a tour to the shack. So, using the idea to my advantage, I charged them for it. It was a gold mine! I finally had money to pay Ford's mortgage, while I tried to get him back.

I couldn't leave Ford's house, until I found a way to save him. After I gave the tour to the tourists, I finally found a job - a job that I could permanently keep. For once in my life, people were actually happy with what I was selling. I got my money by giving tours of the shack and selling merchandise. Thus, the Murder Hut was born! Which, was later renamed the Mystery Shack. For once, being a liar and cheat paid off. The old me was dead and I faked a car crash to prove it. By day, I was Stanford Pines - Mister Mystery! But, by night, I was down in the basement, trying to bring the real Stanford back. I couldn't risk anybody learning my secret and sabotaging my mission. So, I lied to everyone - the town, my family, your parents, even you kids."

Dipper lifted his head up from staring at the ground. "Wow..." He muttered. With the truth finally out, Dipper couldn't believe he thought otherwise of Stan, his own Grunkle. To be honest with himself, he felt embarrassed. He was the one who was wrong this whole time. Grunkle Stan was just trying to get his brother back. There was no dangerous being coming afterall and the earth seemes to stand up to the machine's dangerous energy. Dipper had overreacted. "Grunkle Stan...I'm so sorry I didn't believe you. I had no idea."

"That's okay, kiddo." Stan began, rubbing the back of his neck. "I wouldn't have believed me, either. Now, you kids should go get ready for bed. It's been a long day."

Marco breathed air out through his lips. "Tell me about it." He said, sarcasm in his tone of voice.

That night, Stan had told Star and Marco to hit the shower and get themselves washed and cleaned. However, just as Marco had reached the bathroom door, Star hopped in and slammed the door in his face. Marco moaned, leaning his forehead on the door, which gave a small thud. "C'mon, Star."

"Sorry, Marco!" Star sang as she set a towel out for herself and started the shower. "It's not my fault you're a slowpoke!"

"Fine, but, I get the couch tonight!" Marco announced as he left to go watch television in the living room. After Star's shower, it was Marco's turn. He couldn't wait to get the smell of monsters and sweat off of him.

Stan stood next to his twin brother, staring into the mirror. "Look at us. When did we become old men?" He asked his brother. That's when Ford commented. "You look like Dad."

"Ew, don't say that." Stan laughed, making Ford laugh, too. He finally sighed, giving an unsettling sign to Stan that he wasn't going to like what Ford was going to say next. "Look, Stanley." He began. "Here's the deal. You can stay here and watch over the kids for the rest of the summer, but when it's over, you give me my house back, you give me my name back, and this Mystery Shack junk is gone forever."

"You really aren't gonna thank me, are you?"

Ford glared at Stan with a sharp and cold eye. He remained silent, believing he had the last word. Stan huffed. He knew he shouldn't have expected that much from his own brother. "Fine. Be that way. But, on one condition: You stay away from the kids. I don't even want you near them. I don't want them in any danger 'cause as far as I'm concerned, they're the only family I have left!"

A soft and tender voice interrupted their argument. Her voice had a tone of innocence. "What's going on? Is everything okay?" Though her voice matched nothing like her wacky personality, Star was serious and concerned. She, for the first time since she met Stan, had broken through with pity. She peeked her head around the corner like a little kid who was waiting for Santa Claus. In her arms, she was cuddling Mabel's laser puppy.

"It's nothing, honey." Stan replied, sweetly. "It's just grown up stuff."

"Oh..." Star mumbled, though she wished she understood. She wanted to say more or ask why, but instead, she was guided to the living room to where Marco was by Stan. He kept his hand hovering over her back as if he was her loving father, as if he was becoming protective of what happened to her. To be honest, Stan did care about Star and Marco, even if they weren't his family. Before Stan had left the hallway, he turned back to look at Ford. He left the other man with his thoughts as he checked in on all of the kids.

"I still can't believe that the Author of the Journals is standing in the shack. It just seems all too real." Dipper had told Mabel, later that night.

"I know." She said. She was putting her ear up against their closed bedroom door to try to get a better hearing of Stan and Ford's conversation. After a while, their voice began to soften and get more muffled. Mabel assumed they were done talking and left to tuck herself into her bed. "It feels weird, ya' know? I mean, having another guest?" She chortled. "Maybe it's just me, but, I'm not sure I will ever grow on 'Ford'. If you ask me, I think I liked it better when it was just you, me, and Stan. I mean, not that I don't enjoy having Star and Marco around."

For the whole time Mabel had talked, Dipper listened. He stared up at the ceiling, while lying down in his own bed. It wasn't until she was done that he added his opinions, too. "Yeah, I know what you mean. I wanted to meet the author so bad, but, not like this."

At that moment, Stan had knocked softly at the door and let himself in. "Hey, kiddos. You guys settling in okay?"

"Yeah, we're fine." Dipper said, although Grunkle Stan knew they were bluffing. They've had a lot to take in for one day.

"Goodnight, Grunkle Stan." Mabel chimed in.

"Goodnight, kids." With that, Stan closed the door gently, leaving to his own room.

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