Beyond the trees

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Star came with the girls on the trip, though she didn't seem herself to Mabel. Star would be the last one in the group while walking through the forest. It was unlike her, considering she was always the leader.

Everytime Mabel looked back, Star would be behind her, stopping to admire the trees and bushes with a dull, almost saddening expression. Mabel could tell Star had been lost in thought for half the day. She figured it must have been about her and Marco fighting this morning.

All the girls - Candy, Grenda, and Wendy moved forward. Wendy would chop any long branches out of their way with her trusty axe, complaining that she was too old to believe in unicorns anymore. Mabel, who was ahead of everyone else, switched gears and turned in reverse.

"Star?" A voice woke Star up from her sleep walk. She tilted her head downwards to discover Mabel there. "You're being less quieter than I expected. I thought having you on this unicorn hunt would be fun."

"Believe me, Mabel." Star began, casually shrugging with both her arms folded. "As much as I do love unicorns, I also love Marco - as my bestie. But lately, I just can't stand to be around him."

"Yeah..." The brunette twelve-year-old muttered, rubbing her arm and dropping her eyes to the dirt ground. Star went on with a rant, finally being able to spill her guts to Mabel. She threw her arms down in frustration while groaning. The wand in her hand acted as her stress ball that she tightly squeezed to get rid of her anger.

"I mean, sure we fight, but never like that!" As she talked, she made action-packed hand gestures and arm flailing. "I swear! Sometimes Marco just makes me so angry!" She sighed. "I guess I just needed to get away from him for a while."

"Well, you made the right decision!" Mabel cheered. "We're going to find that unicorn and get that hair." She plummeted her fist into the palm of her hand and squinted her eyes. "I know it."

All five of the girls went on in the woods until they met a circular opening where the trees stopped and the sunshine was more visible. "It says that this is the spot." Mabel told everyone, grasping the Journal 2 in her hands. "In order to summon a unicorn, one must bellow the ancient chant drone only by the deepest druids of old."

"On it!" Grenda rumbled through and stole the Journal 2 right out of Mabel's hands. She cleared her throat and began letting her low voice roar out in the opening of the forest.

"I bet you ten bucks nothing happens." Wendy said, folding her arms.

Star copied her pose. "I bet you ten bucks something does happen!" She gave the red-headed fifteen year-old next to her a smug smile and raised her eyebrows.

"Okay, new girl." She snickered. "I'll take those chances. You're on."

Just as Star had predicted, a gigantic stone wall rumbled up and tore through the opening grass and dirt, causing a commotion. All up the sides of the walls were the thorns and roots of underground plants that sprung up with it. As they all entered with wonder and amazement, Wendy was lost behind everyone else. It took her a while to get her feet working and walking again, considering the shock and disbelief of what just happened had struck her dumb.

What was inside the round stone wall was even more of a surprise for her. There, sitting and resting on a rock by the gushing, shining waterfall and vibrant, brilliant rainbows was a unicorn with the same rainbow colors for flowing hair. The rest of her body was as white as the puffy, bright clouds above.

She let out a loud, yet holy neigh and whipped her hair to the side. Wendy couldn't find her eyes to adjust to all the glitter that seemed to be lingering in the air and the glimmer of how many rainbows were present. If Star could be honest out loud, she would definitely say that she wasn't even expecting that either.

"Pay up, Wendy." Star ordered. Wendy gave in with a groan and plucked ten dollars out of her back pocket.

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