Chapter 1

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It was the 10th of May.

My Parents wanted to go shopping for my future-little-sister. My mum was pregnant and in one month i would've have a little sister. Since it was my decision, i wanted to call her Isabella. It was my favourite name ever. Since my parents told me i was going to have a sister, every day was a present and i couldn't wait till i could hold Isabella in my arms.

But this day never came. After hours my parents didn't came and calls and messages they didn't response the doorbell finally rang. I didn't have a bad feeling.. Why should i? They were shopping for my sister it's normal that they don't response to my calls and need more time than normally. But i was wrong. With a big smile i opened the door but i didn't saw my parents with thousends of shopping bags. I saw the police who looked at me kinda sad.

>Ehm... Can i help you?< I asked.

>Miss can we come in?<

>Sure... Did something happen?< I asked again.

>I'm sorry to tell that your parents had an car accident...They...didn't make it<

I couldn't speak, cry or scream... I felt dead inside and nothing came out of my mouth. Why did this have to happen to me? What have i done? All these questions went through my head.

>Do you have any kins you can sleep at?<

Well... there was my aunt but i really don't wanted her "everything is going to be fine" thing so i said i wanted to go to my best friend Bradley. My other best Friend Jess wasn't at home. Finally i felt the tears run down my face. The thought i'll never see my parents again killed me and i never felt so dead. I wouldn't mind if a murderer would come through this door and would kill me. I wanted to go out of this goddamn house and away from this goddamn world who is fucking unfair. i didn't want this whole thing. I wanted to just turn back time and prevent all this. But Life isn't a request concert. i had to deal with it. But i couldn't. Nobody could. I'm alone, nobody could help me ever like my parents did. My unborn sister died before she even saw who i am. I just wanted to scream and cry and be alone. I felt a warm hand on my shoulder and i winced. It was the hand from one of the officers.

>Can you hear me?< he asked and it seemed like i didn't response for minutes.

I nodded. I felt sick and i was so weak. My legs couln'd hold me anymore and i fell on the floor. I screamed and cried. I let out all my feelings. The officers tried to pick me up but i hit them. I didn't know what to do anymore.

After a while i calmed down a bit and the officers picked me up. One of them stroked my arm and said that everything is going to be fine and they'll bring me to my aunt. I don't know how but they found out about my aunt. I really love her but at the moment i wanted to be alone and i knew she will sit next to me 24/7. If i could i would've said i wanted to go to bradley but i wasn't strong enough.

In the car the only thing i could do was looking out if the window into the darkness and cry. I couldn't belive it. But this wasn't a dream... it was the reality. Nobody can change what happend or what will happen. You're impotent.

My aunt opened the door, with tears and Make-up all over her face. She hugged me and cried into my shoulder. Till this moment i didn't realise that she was down like me. i thought i was the only one who is more than sad about what happend. She shaked in my arms and i hugged her harder.

>We will leave now. If anything happens you can call us.<

The police said and i was happy when they were gone.

HELLO, so this is my second BOOK and i hope you like the first chapter. It's short and not that exciting but there will come more ;)

Question of the day:

From where are you?

Please please please give me Feedback and tell me what you think about the theme of the book. Also i hope the Brad girls out there won't die durning the book hahaha.

Don't forget to vote.

BYE <3

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