Chapter 4

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*TB is over*

Today is the first school day and i really didn't feel like going there. I had to see my two best friends again and i don't know if that's good or not. I mean i ignored them all the time and this was selfish. I decided to not talk to anybody tody. I'll go to the toilettes in the breaks. It's stupid but i had to. 

The way to my class felt so endless. I walked and walked and eyes were starring at me like i came from another planet. I felt so uncomfortable and my eyes were burning again. Some hugged me from the side and i frightened. It was Jess. She just didn't stop hugging me and my plan to not talking to her didn't work. I hugged her back. 

"Hey, i missed you so much" Jess told me and hugged me again. 

"I... missed you too.." I didn't know if that is the truth or not but i wanted to be nice.

"Why didn't you response to any of my messages? I know that you want to be alone but you have to have someone you can talk to Elena." She told me worried. 

I knew she is going to say that. That's Jess shes so caring and i love that,but not right now. 

"I.. I have to go my class starts now" I walked away as fast as i could without running. To be honest i still had like 10 minutes to my class. I went o the bathroom and looked into the mirrow. I didn't wear any make up and my bags under my eyes were huge, but i didn't care. Normally i wear make up every day it's just my thing. I love make up and yes, i didn't buy make up to look exacly the same after putting tons on and spending hours for it. I didn't care what people think about my make up i cnán do what i want and if i don't  feel like wearing make up i didn't do it. 

I always had to think about how it would be, when my parents didn't die. I probably would have the prettiest little sister and i could talk to my best friends. Or not? I don't know i just wanted my parents back. In this time i ccan see how much i care about my parents and i should've spent more time with them. Nothing i had to do was it worth to not spend the time with my parents. I wished that i would have ate an ice scream more with my dad. And maybe cook more with my mother. Just spend more time with them. But wasn't it always like this? You don't see how importent things are until you loos them. It's always like this.  

"Hey.. Elena right? I'm  Sophie" a girl asked me and smiled. 


"I'm so sorry for you. I heard your parents died in a car accident" The girl i've never seen before. I didn't know what to say so i just gave her a little smile. 

"And you are brads best friend right?"'


"Would you mind to give me his number? I really like him you know? This Bitch really tried to fuck with me. sOrRY. It's not like i am jealouse or something but if she wants his number okay, go and ask him. 

"I don't know you should go and ask him." I walked again. Again. Now it was time to go to my class.

As i entered the classroom everyone was staring at me and i just rolled my eyes and sat down in the rearmost table. The lesson went so long and i welt like i sat on this chair for a year. I didn't listen to the teacher at all. I didn't care so i just dreamed about the life before the accident. If all the lessons would go as long as this one maybe i can make it to rememeber the time in my mums stomach. Haha. I thought with a fake laugh. Finally the ring bell i wanted to go to the toilettes but as god wanted, brad was standing beside the woman toilette door. He smiled at me. 

"I know you're going to hide you here" he hugged me and i could smell the typical Brad smell that i loved so much. He always knew exacly what i would do or  think.  

"Brad, please leave me alone. " I begged but he grabbed my arms. 

"Elena! Stop this shit! Just stop it you are driving me crazy!!You need somone to talk you just ignored me and Jess all the time do you know how we feel? " I finally realised how wrong it was... Brad and Jess did everything for me they thought about me all the time and tried to help me but i didn't care. i have tp appericate it. Tears ran down my face and i hugged brad. As i opened my eyes i saw Jess standing behind brad so i symbolized her to come over. We three hugged i said that i am sorry. I can't say that i feel good now and i don't know if i'll ever feel good again. We spent the break together but even tho they asked me like thousend times, i just couln't tell them how i feel. I just couln't.  I tried but my mouth just didn't open. And when there was this girl again... Sophie. She changed her clothes and put on more make up. Sorry but she went to normal girl to ILookLikeASlutAndIProbablyAm realllyyyy fast. She smiled at Brad and went with her hands through her bleached hair. 

"Hey,ehm excuse me can we talk for a moment Brad?" She asked way to height . Because of this morning i knew that this wasn't her real voice. 

"sure." Brad says with a smile and stood up. 

I saw them a few tabels behind us and watched them. She always did this weird thing with her hair swirling around her finger and this annoying laugh that should be "cute". I don't know but it looked like Brad enjoyed it. But this was Brad there were probably going dirty things on in his head. I knew it. i know Brad just to good. He always look at her with this smirk that was so attractive. I saw how he touched her arm and winked at her. They exchanged their numbers and Brad gave her a hug. I knew this was only for a night. Maybe two. Nobody would notice them. He came back to us. 

"Do you have a new toy?" Jess said.

"Maybe, i have to think about it." he answered.

"Stop with this shit brad. You're acting like you're the biggest fuck boy on earth but we both know you're not" I said a bit to loud. I don't know what's wrong with me, i'm not jealous but it really pissed me off how he played with the girls. It's not fair. 

"Okaayy..." Brad answered and looked at me with this WhatsWrongWithYou look. 

I'm going home now. I said and without giving a hug i walked down the hall and decided to walk all the way home. 

Hey Guys. This chapter is a bit longer but i think i'll post another one when i go to bed. 

Question of the day: 

What do you think about Brad's acting with the girl? 

Don't forget to vote and give me feedback. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2016 ⏰

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