Secret lover chapter 5

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I woke up next to Lucas, he was still fast asleep, I checked my phone and it was 10am. we were both skipping school that day so it didn't really matter. I didn't want to wake him so I got up quietly and went to the toilet. I was still wearing my clothes from the day before and I felt sick and uncomfortable so I decided to have a shower. I didn't have any clothes but I knew that Lucas wouldn't mind me borrowing some of his clothes. 

I thought about everything for so long when I was in the shower, i was thinking about Riley, she probably told Farkle everything! I couldn't handle over thinking again, I needed to wash everything away, I ran the water over my head and washed my hair so I could feel completely refreshed when I got out, I cried as the water ran over my face because I was once again over thinking. 

I got out of the shower and went through Lucas' wardrobe to find something comfortable to wear, I couldn't find any comfortable looking bottoms so I just wore one of his jumpers, which was oversized on me. I just wore some of his underwear on my bottom half because I couldn't find anything else but I was ok with it, although my legs were freezing cold. after i got dressed and brushed my hair I went downstairs to see what the time was. I saw Lucas was still sleeping, he must have been really tired from yesterday, it was a really stressful day for both of us. I checked my phone and saw that it was 12:30, I didn't know I took that long in the shower! 

I went into the kitchen to get something to eat, and I saw a note left on the kitchen counter. I picked it up to see what it said. 

"Im coming for all of you, we started with Riley and now Lucas, have fun waking him up -A" 

I instantly ran to the living room to try and wake Lucas up, at first I just said his name to see if he moved but he didn't, my hands started shaking and I could feel the tears running down my face. 

"LUCAS WAKE UP" I screamed as I was shaking him and trying to wake him up! 

He wouldn't move I grabbed my phone and called 911. They answered and I couldn't move or talk, I was shaking and crying to much, he wasn't moving. 

"Sweetheart I need you to calm down and tell me what's wrong!" The woman said on the other side of the phone. 

I calmed myself down and tried to tell her what was going on, I was sobbing as I was speaking but I think she managed to understand me. 

"it's my boyfriend.. He- he isn't moving, he won't wake up and he isn't breathing I need help please can you send help! He won't move I can't... I can't wake him up." 

"We have got an ambulance on the way ok? Please just stay calm and stay with him!" She said in a reassuring voice. 

I thanked her and hung up the phone. I couldn't breathe, my face was swelling up and I couldn't seem to think about anything else but Lucas and my life without him! If I ever lost Lucas I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I grabbed his hand and linked my fingers between his, and stoked his face and told him everything would be ok. 

The ambulance finally arrived and burst into the door. The asked me to step away from him and lifted him up onto the hospital bed, then they wheeled the bed outside to put him in the back of the ambulance. I ran to the ambulance along with the bed and got in the back of the ambulance. I held his hand all the way there and I was talking to him, telling him that I want him to hold on. I couldn't believe that this A person would do this! I needed to find out who it was but right in this moment all of my focus was on Lucas. 


I was in the waiting room for hours and waiting to find out what was going on with Lucas and if he was ok! I was sitting there quietly and suddenly Farkle and Riley burst into the door! 

"Maya where is he? Is he ok?" Riley asked with tears in her eyes. 

"I don't know Riley, he was asleep.. And.. And" I started to cry "I tried to wake him up but it wasn't working, he wasn't moving..... Or breathing"

Riley stared at me and tried not to cry, she hugged me, which I wasn't expecting considering what had happened the day before. 

"Maya I'm so sorry for everything I said to you! I love you so much!" 

I was so happy that she forgave me, but I was still worried so much about Lucas. I looked over at Farkle, I could tell he wanted to cry but he was strong and held back his tears. 

"Riley told me everything, I was never mad at you, I'm happy that you're happy" Farkle said while smiling at me, he then hugged me which was a little bit awkward but I didn't care, I was happy that me, Farkle and Riley were all friends! But my mind was still on Lucas. I couldn't lose him. 

Lucas doctor came out of the door and saw all of us, I rushed toward him. 

"Is he ok? Is he gonna be ok? Please tell me he's ok?" I was not calm at all, I needed to know that Lucas was ok. I could not lose him now after everything. 

The doctor said, "Miss hart, Lucas had a chemical inside of his called Risin which is very poisonous but tasteless liquid, this means that someone put this in his drink and wanted to cause him extreme harm" 

"Well did they succeed?" I shoutout 


"They did" 

"So he's gone?" I started to cry, my eyes were puffy and my face was scrunched up, Farkle and Riley both looked at eachother and Riley started to cry, Farkle couldn't believe what he had just heard and slowly sat down.

The doctor looked at me "No, he's not dead! He's almost did die, but the poison in his body was very harmful but we've been able to pump it out of his stomach so he will be fine!" 

I looked at Riley, my tears had stopped, I could feel  a huge grin on my face! She smiled too, and so did Farkle. The doctor went back into Lucas room to check up on him, we weren't aloud in yet because he was still in a bad stage but he was going to be ok!

My phone buzzed and so did Rileys and farkles at the same time! I checked my phone, and it wasn't good news. 

Maya: "oh my god" 

Riley: "it's from-"

Farkle: "I got one too" 

Farkle Riley and Maya: "Lucas got lucky, but I'm coming for you all, I'm still here bitches and I know everything, -A"

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