5. Definitely Cursed

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Definitely cursed
Chapter 5

"I'm late! I can't believe I overslept," I scream at the walls as I look at my clock in horror. 8.20 am - This isn't like me at all, it's just my second day at Westmore High and if I'm late what are people going to think?

Maybe those bad dreams of a certain someone kept me awake. "You dirty minded women!" he hissed, turning his nose up in disdain and I gawked dumbly as he sauntered past me, half-naked.

I was utterly and fully humiliated yesterday. How dare he call me dirty minded! I'd like to think of myself as classy and elegant - Nope, I'm not sarcastic, I'm perfectly serious.

School starts at 8.30, so I have ten minutes to get ready, but I know that's impossible to reached on time as I have to pick up his shirt from the dry cleaners as well. I hate that arrogant jerk, just thinking about him makes me go bazooka.

I jump into the shower and take a thirty second bath, yes seconds not minutes and I ran to the dry cleaners to pick up the shirt. Obviously lady luck was on my side as I had to wait for 30 minutes for them to search for it and I reached school, an hour late.

The teacher has her back turned to the board and is scribbling something that I can't decipher. I'm late but maybe I can slip through.

She wouldn't notice, would she? Everyone must think that I'm one weird chick as they watch me tip toe to my seat, careful to not make even a sound. A girl looks at me with an eyebrow raised and I look back at her sheepishly, ashamed.

Maybe I should have thrown his ugly shirt in the garbage.

"A few inches more," I whisper as I reach out to my lovely seat and spot Kai looking at me with a smirk on his devilishly handsome face. Why is he smirking? Wipe that smirk off you narcissistic jerk!

Suddenly I feel an abnormal presence behind me. Getting horror vibes right now. It's the exact same feeling you get when you're in a creepy old wax museum where the silence is deafening and you have this feeling in your gut that something bad is about to happen to you, but you don't know what.

"Not good," I wince as I slowly turn my head and see my teacher stand right behind me with her arms crossed, looking completely furious.

She looks familiar, I think. Her face bares an eerie resemblance to the lady from grudge with her eyes popping out of her head and her crimson red lips contort into a sneer. A twin?
I gulp uneasily.

So, this is the feeling you get before you die at the hands of an avenging ghost.

I would give anything to have a face off with the boogyman rather than my teacher.

"You are late," she says in a scarily calm voice, but her eyes give her away. I close my eyes in horror. Prepare a coffin for me because you might not see me again.

* * *

It's break time and I sit with the detention slip in my hand wailing, "Great, I can't go for basketball try outs today." Curse that teacher! Yes, I am cursing her in my mind right now because instead of shooting hoops I will be writing an essay on 'Why you shouldn't come late to class and try to sneak in when the teacher has her back turned to the board.'

I don't know how I am going to even write a single sentence, then how the heck am I going to write three pages of crap on it?

"So, you're joining the basketball team Claire?" Violet butts in with an expression of awe on her face.

I look at her puzzled, "Yeah. Why? What's so great about that?"

"Well, you know that the girls and guys practice basketball together, so you get a lot of moving eye candy!" Abigail sighs dreamily making me resist the urge to roll my eyes. That jerk face? She is dreaming about him again?

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