21. Love is in the hair

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Love is in the hair
Chapter 21:

"Claire! Are you okay??" My friends rush in as Kai jumps away in shock. I restrain myself from decking them and plucking out their eyebrows that move up and down in concern. They have the best timing. Really.

"You look okay, a bit flustered though," Violet comments as she glances suspiciously at our flushed faces.

"Is she alright?" I look at the familiar golden mop of hair peer in. His baby blue eyes harden when they notice Kai. "What are you doing here?" Chris icily glares at Kai before taking my hand in his.

Kai stares at our entwined hands with an unknown emotion in his eyes before they quickly turn blank. "Nothing, I was leaving anyway," he mutters, shooting me a cold look before walking out.

"I'm fine, really," I assure them as they fuss over me while watching him leave.

"I heard that you damaged your brain badly on that board." Abigail pulls my head down and inspects it carefully, "Tell me the spelling of Draimboit."

I look at her weirdly, "Is that even a word?"

"See, I told you her brain was intact."

"Where's Eve and Taylor?"

"They have their history pop quiz now. Mr. Howell is keeping them chained to their desks with four pages of mcqs," she explains.

"Speaking of classes, we have a cheerleading meeting now," Violet gasps, looking at her white Tagheuer watch in alarm.

"I think we should skip it." Ab sits at the edge of my bed and looks at the Fanta can. "Were you using that as an icepack?"

"But the meeting is important," Violet insists. "You stay then, I'll go-"

I open my mouth to tell them that I'll be fine alone. "I'll stay with her," Chris offers and my friends look at me, not bothering to hide the sly grin that appears on their smug faces.

"Okay, but don't do anything while we're gone," Ab teases us before they walk out the infirmary giggling. I bury my head in the pillow in embarrassment as I recall my face inches away from Kai's. What would have happened if they hadn't interrupted us?

Would he have kissed me?

Or would I have jumped in and done it instead?

* * *

"I am craving some vanilla frosting right now," Violet declares hungrily as she pulls me towards her sleek red car.

"I want some curly fries, damn that quiz," Eve adds as she jumps in with her bag, heaving out loud in exhaustion.

"Lucy's diner then?" I suggest and turn towards Taylor and Abigail, waiting for them to get in.

"Sorry girls but I have a date with my hot boyfriend," Taylor says, not looking very sorry as she spots Mark walking towards us. "Bye!" she quickly forgets our existence and runs towards him in happiness.

"Um, guys-"

"Don't tell me you have a date too!" Eve mutters and crosses her arms with a pout as Ab looks down to her shoes with guilt as she twirls her amazingly done hair, a tell that shows how nervous she is.

All our eyes pop as we look at her pretty sundresses, realizing that she is a bit over dressed, "Wait, you do have a date! Is it with Kai?" Violet gasps aloud and I ignore the twinge of jealously that rises in my chest as soon as I hear his name uttered.

"Hey cuz," I whip my head up to see Lee grinning back at me with his aviators glistening in the sunlight.

"You have a date with Lee?" I stare at her blushing face, dumbstruck.

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