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As I got out of bed this morning, I felt like I had a lot of energy so I decided to go for a run before class. After about 1 hour of running, I went back to take a quick shower to wash off the sweat. I ran a lot because I always thought I was over weight. Maybe not fat but I'm not like the other girls here. I was always insecure with my body, ever since I was 14. And still am to this day.

I went to my room and took a shower, got dressed and headed to class. I got to class and almost half the class was already there but there were some people not here yet. I took a seat in the middle of the class room and took out my notes. When all of a sudden someone sat beside me. I looked over and it was Connor.

"Hey, are you still mad at me, please I'm sorry for what ever I did." I said pleading, I couldn't stand the fact that he was mad at me.

"No, I'm not mad, it was just I was thinking about things and I got carried away that's all." I smiled and looked back at my papers then looked up again.

"So how would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow night?" I asked nervously. He giggled and looked up with his beautiful green eyes shinning.

"Sure." I was wondering why he was giggling, what was so funny?

"Anyways so meet me at my dorm at 6 k?"

"Yup, I'll be there." We finished our conversation because the loud bell had rang. We worked a lot today and I was exhausted. I had no patience, I had a lot of attitude and I was pretty much pissed at every little thing. The bell rang and it was time for lunch so I grabbed my books put them in my bag aggressively, sighing as my books weren't making my life easier. The I headed to the cafeteria. I bought myself lunch and sat at a table. There were a few people at the end of it but I didn't know them. I was the first one there so I just started eating by myself.

After a few minutes Kian, Connor and their friends sat down at the table in front of me. Through the corner of my eye I saw that Chloe, Acacia and their girly friends sit beside me. What the? Why can't they sit somewhere else? I look around and there's no more place to sit. I try to not start a fight or anything so I keep to myself.

I look at the guys in front of me because you know there's nothing else to look at and plus they're right in front of me so why not.

"Um... excuse me could you stop staring at my boyfriend, he's mine." I looked over at who could of said it and just as I thought, it was Chloe.

"Um.. for your information, I'm aloud to do whatever I want." She started to get annoyed and I tried to show that I wasn't scared.

"Well Kian said he never liked you and he hates it when you stare at him!" She said with a smirk. Oh yah, we'll see what he said.

I got up from my chair without thinking this through and walked over to there table.

"Uh hum, excuse me one second, I need to ask Kian a question. Kian did you tell Chloe that you never liked me and you hated it when I stared at you." I said then I turned my head around and looked at Chloe.

"By the way, I didn't stare I was looking around." I turned my head back at Kian and he looked shocked, he didn't know what to say.

"Uh.. well.. no I never said that." He said, scared to what Chloe was going to do to him. I looked back at Chloe and smiled sarcastically and sat back down. She got up and walked over to the guys table and I thought she was going for Kian but she went straight for Connor. She cupped his face and kissed him with the tongue and everything. It was nasty. It pinched my heart. Water filled my eyes but I tried to keep it in.

"You bitch! You knew I liked Connor!!" Fuck, did I just say that out loud. Everyone turned towards me. I felt stuck, felt like I was going to be sick. I glanced at Connor that was looking back at me telling me that he was sorry and it wasn't his fault but I didn't want to see his pleading eyes. I covered my mouth and ran out. While I was leaving I heard the girls start laughing and then Kian screaming at Chloe asking why she had kissed Connor. I think there going to break up soon enough. I ran outside and to my room, why was all this happening to me?

My Life Saver // Connor FrantaWhere stories live. Discover now