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*Emily POV*

"Connor I'm so so sorry, I totally forgot. It's just I missed school yesturday and slept all day and my phone buzzed this morning and I didnt answer or read it because I was tired and I just... I'm sorry." I said out of breathe.He looked at me with a shocked face. Oh I forgot to get dressed and everything. My hair is probably a mess ad I'm still wearing my pj's...

"Oh ya, I didnt even bother reading your messages I ran here as fast as I could." I explained putting my head down. I haven't felt so guilty in my life. He gave me a reassuring smile. "It's ok, I totally understand, you needed some sleep anyways. We can just replace it for tomorrow." He said. I was so realieved he understood. "Are you sure?" I asked making sure he didn't mind. "Yes I'm positive" He smiled. "Okay, thanks for giving me another chance. Well see you tomorrow, bye" I said waving and leaving the room. I walked slowly waiting for an answer or something but no... I just kept on walking and left. I stood in front of his door wondering why he didn't say anything but I just thought that he was actually mad at me even though he said it was fine. Whatever, I might ask him tomorrow. I got back to my room and I really didn't know what to do for the day. I had no classes and it was only 12:15. I decided I'd go down town and go shopping, I need some new clothes anyways so why not. I got in the shower, got out, got dressed, put  on my make up and did my hair. Before leaving I ate a little something and took off. I went to the mall and headed to forever 21 and urban outfiters and other cool stores. I bought myself about 4 shirts and 3 paires of pants. It was about 4 and I went to starbucks and got myself a White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino and a muffin and left. I got home and got in my pj's and went on my phone for a bit then went to bed.

I woke up this morning to my phone rining. I grabbed my phone and texted Connor asking him where we'd meet and what time. And he texted me about 2 minutes later telling me to meet him at his dorm at 10. I got up right away and got in the shower and washed myself and then got out, got dressed in a pair of light blue jeans, a pink tank top and a beige over top.  I put on my make up and then did my hair.I checked the time and it was 9:45 so I put on my shoes, got my purse and put my phone in it and headed out. I walked to Con's place and when I got there, I knocked three times and waited for him to answer. He screamed at me to come in and that it was unlocked so I walked in and sat down on his couch and looked around the room because I was bored. I checked his desk and saw a paper and it looked like a letter for someone. I wonder who it was for. I was about to get up and check but I heard the bathroom door unlock so I stayed on the sofa. I pretended to be on my phone and stared at my screen."Hey." he said walking in the living room. I looked up and saw.....oh my godness, I forgot how perfect he was. His body... I was getting sweaty and it was getting hot in the room. I snapped out of the zone and looked back up at him smirking. "Yes yes..  what were you saying?!" I managed to say. He giggled "Umm I just said hi". I waved my hand infront of my face like a fan. "Is it just me or is it really hot in here?!" I say getting up to open the window. "Maybe because I'm here!" He said in a sexy way. Oh god make it stop! "Haha very funny! Just get dressed." I said trying to look away. "Why, you don't like the view?" He asked acting confused. I rolled my eyes and sat back down and opened my phone. I went back on twitter and... there was something bothering me. I raised my eyes to get a quick look at what it was but kept my head down facing my phone and I saw Connor was standing right infront of me but I looked right back down at my phone. "Are you dressed?!" I asked seriously. "C'mon I can't have that bad of a body?!" He said and I could already picture him with a smirk on his face. "Omg just get dressed jesus!" I said acting all 'attitudy'. "No!" He repiled directly. Oh no he didn't. "CONNOR FUCKING FRANTA GET DRESSED NOW OR ESLE!" I said running out of patience. "Or esle what?" He asked wondering what I was going to do. "Or esle... I'm not going out for breakfast with you." I said still looking down at my phone, becuase if I dared to look up at his abs I would zone out again. "Well, I'm not going for breakfast until you look at me and admit I have a nice body." He said smirking, I couldn't see it but I knew it was there. "Are you kidding me Connor, you're so immature" I said sighing. "No, I'm dead serious." I knew he really cared about what people thought of him and if they didn't like something about him he'd want to change that. Like when he was smaller he was a bit chubby and now he works out, eats healthy and everything. I honestly don't care if he has abs or not, I just don't want him to be like 300 pounds you know. I sighed and looked up for about 1 second and then looked down immidiatly. "You look fine Connor, now get dressed please." I really didn't want to continue this conversation, I was so uncorfertable. " No, stop it, I'm dead serieous Emily, am I fat?" he said in a sad tone of voice. "Are you fucking kidding me Connor, you proably weigh less then me. Look I don't know why you care so much about what other people think of you. You be who you want to be and who gives a crap about everyone else." I said know looking up into his eyes. He didn't say anything and just walked to his closet and got his shirt and pants out and went to go change in the bathroom. I facepalmed myself. "Ugh you idiot why do you always say somthing to make him mad or sad, god damit!" I whispered to myself. I looked around the room again because I was getting bord and I really wanted to get out of this place and go to the restaurant already. It was so awkward and I was so uncomfertable, I was nervous and I didn't know what to do with myself. "Ok I'll wait for you in the hallway." I said walking by the bathroom and leaving the dorm. Oh god I needed some air. I leaned against the wall and waited for Connor to come out. I waited about 3 minutes and he came out and we were off. I got in his car and I sat in the passenger seat and Connor drove. The ride there was quiet, I kept thinking about what happened back at his place and it was just so weird. I felt like an idiot. We finally got to the restaurant, I got out of the car and walked inside. I was kinda excited last night, I didn't think it could've been this bad. The first 20 minutes I make a mistake and ruin everything. I just wanted to get this over with as fast as possible to be honest. The waitress lead us to our table and gave us our menus. I looked at what I wanted to drink then what to eat. After deciding I put my menu down adn looked at Connor... who wasn't there. What the actual fuck? I sighed and leaned back on my chair. The waiter came and asked me what I wanted to drink, I told him I would like a coffe and I told him to come back a few minutes later because my guest was at the bathroom. I waited 10 minutes he wasn't there. Ok what's going on? Is he avoiding me or something? The waiter came with my coffe and I thanked him and told him that I didn't know when my guest was gonna come back. I was starting to think that he stood me up and left. I said to myself that I was going to stay for another 10 minutes and if he didn't come back then I'd leave. So I waited and waited and he didn't show up. So I paid and left. I took a taxi and went to starbucks for breakfast instead. I just had a little muffin and a Vanilla Latté. I took another taxi home and walked to my dorm. Never in a thousand years I would've thought that Connor would ditch me. I walked in my room, locked the door and laid on my bed. I started crying, I was so upset that Connor ditched me and it was my fault. It's always my fault. I always say the wrong things. I texted him.

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