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This was it, I had no more time to think. As much as I would love to keep stalling or at least say no. Once again I found myself at midnight with the same group of teens. Star, Ionne and those boys, one of which who keeps changing his name. "Sorry Alice but it's now or never and I'd really hate if you'd say no." Ionne said walking closer. "What would happen if I did?"

They looked between each other, some of their eyes flashed with what seemed to be remembrance of past fates. Ryder and Daniel looked at each other and just coughed softly before changing back to the subject at hand. Quincy walked forward, "Look Alice, you're not a bad person and we'd hate to be against you please just say you'll come on your own regard."

I looked them all over, I could already tell if I was gonna get out of this I'd need to fight. "What will happen if I don't?" I said it more stern this time. Why were they avoiding the question? No I don't need an answer and they know, I'm smart enough to already know why everyone that's ever joined only had one week. Because after that then the boss got tired of waiting. After that they no longer needed that person. Only a week and they either joined or died.

It didn't matter though, I wouldn't have said no anyways, I already planned on saying yes. I was stalling, I wanted to know if they'd actually kill me or if they would just fight until I could move anymore. Finally Ionne got tired of waiting, lifted her hands and pushed forward. I wasn't scared but I would tell in her eyes she was terrified that she would have no choice but to fight. She used her power to push a gust of wind towards me, throwing me back against a tree. I was tied down by my legs and hands, held by roots.

She walk up to me and held a sharp knife that seemed to have been made of ice. Angry, scared yet still hopeful her eyes were screaming with hope, "Alice I'm begging you now to say yes or I will kill you. This is what you wanted for a long time but I thought since you had a change in life you'd change your mind. I didn't think you'd still want to die." she sound angry, tired... almost livid. With who I wasn't sure though. Me, for not saying yes sooner or with her boss for making her force me into such a perplexing situation.

I breathed out, maybe even laughed a little, rolled my eyes and looked at them all like they were silly.  They all stared at me astonished that I'd be laughing at a time like this. Frightened that I might fight back. And Expectant that I'd say something to stop them.

She let me go, stll prepared to fight. I just rubbed my wrist and studied their face, thinking over how I should answer them. 

"Why would I say no."

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