Chapter 10: Connected Intertwined and Final

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It was the day before the wedding for the two ladies and two men. All of them had been practicing for months with protocols and dances. The wedding ceremony would of course take place in a chapel, but after the wedding ceremony, everyone would make their way to the castle where the dancing, food, and music would be held in the royal room. The wedding was set for noon where the King would walk both his own daughter and his soon-to-be daughter in law down the aisle since Tara's father was no longer alive.

Tara and Prince Cían were in a dancing position as well as Princess Adelaide and Ardan. The dance instructor has been with them for almost two hours now making sure that they were getting all the steps and postures down. None of them knew how chaotic and organized a wedding had to be.

Throughout the dancing Princess Adelaide and Tara would make funny faces at each other as they twirled in circles around the room and they would giggle quietly so the dancing instructor wouldn't hear. Both men stared at them weirdly and decided to ignore their giggling and focused on the dancing. The girls didn't need to dance anymore, because they already knew the steps, the technique, and the posture.

"Stop." The dancing instructor said after she heard the girls giggling. "I can't think with you two giggling. This is serious! Yer wedding is tomorrow, so straighten up!" She raises her voice becoming aggravated with the girls.

Tara and Adelaide stood behind their fiancé's and Tara looked at Adelaide as the dance instructor turned around. Tara put a hand on the side of her head and the other on her hip and she started swaying her bum side to side to make fun of the way the dance instructor walked, since it was awfully weird. Adelaide curled her bottom lip underneath her top lip and a smile appeared on her face. She eventually snorted and Tara stopped as the dance instructor turned. Tara hid her face behind her tall Prince and held back the giggle that was coming on.

Adelaide's eyes kind of widen and she kept her bottom lip curled beneath her top lip as she stared at the dance instructor. She stared back at both of the girls and shook her head. "Get on with the dancing again."

Cían and Ardan turned back to their fiancée's and put their hands where they were supposed to be. This time, Tara and Adelaide were becoming serious, but glanced at each other when they twirled and the back of the two men's heads were facing each other.  The couples split and put themselves in the right posture with their back straight and their shoulders down. Each individual spinned once to join up with the other and they put one hand in the center of the group and walked in a circle before twirling away and into the arms of their partner.

Eventually they were all free from the dance instructor and actually received some compliments from her. They were ready for the dancing part of the wedding tomorrow and each of them were certain of that with all of the practice they've had.

The King, Queen, and Caoimbe had to receive dancing instructions too. The King will have to dance with Tara and Princess Adelaide tomorrow with a river dance, a traditional Irish dance. The ladies, the Queen, Adelaide, Caoimbe, and Tara will dance in a little group together as well.

The men separated from their women to go and train for war while Tara and Adelaide walked together with their arm wrapped around the others arm. They had other events to attend to during the day so they ended up separating and spent most of the day apart. Ever since the wedding had been approaching, they have been snatched from each other to either be with their fiancé's, practices, meetings, or any sort of event. The only time they get to spend together is at night when they lay in bed to hold each other.

Throughout the day, if Tara and Adelaide did get the chance to talk they seemed distant with each other. It was to the point to where they only waved when they passed by each other. Both of them were feeling mixed emotions about the wedding and the night of that wedding. They were unsure of where their relationship was going to go after they got married; after all they were going to be sister-in-law and eventually aunts. Deep inside they felt guilt building within them.

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