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I went downstairs with a foggy head.

I kept doing everything trying to make sense of it all and came up with

The only thing I did get was that our family name is actually Martinez's
I guess she decided to go by Martin instead after she left them.
Another thing is that she came from a rich and snobby home. At least that the impression I got.

Couple that be it?
Could that be the answer to why she hates them?

Because she didn't feel like she belongs there?
I doubt it coming down to something so trivial as that. No there has to be more than that I know it.

The thing that kept coming to mind is what were the two of them talking about. I know the only way I am going to get answers was by talking with someone who knew her.
That is why I'm going through with tonight, for answers. I wonder if this Roman is the same person that is coming tonight?

I walked into the kitchen to see Karen
Putting on the finish touches for the night festivities.

"Hey need some help?" I offered.
"Sure, why don't you set the table and make sure to add an extra for Mr.Price."
She said

"Mr. Price?" I ask not sure who she was referring to.

"Yes. Mr. Roman Price." She said it in a way that should have been the most obvious thing in the world. Then look me in the eyes for a moment before sighing.

"Don't tell me you weren't paying attention last night at dinner.
When Miss Johnson was explaining the situation of to why we are meeting this man tonight?"
I guess she took my confused expression as a yes because she continues on.

" The men That Miss Johnson brings over here. Is Roman Price. He is from out of state and run a school and couldn't be away long. That is why he gave such short notice to his sudden visit also she said that he does claim to have proof showing he is who he says he is."
She quoted Miss Johnson words.

So it is him.

I must have been dreaming off if I missed all that at dinner.

A hand appears in front of my face then I looked up to see it was Karen trying to catch my attention.

"What was that?" I asked
"I said don't forget the salad."
"I swear you daydream more than Walt Disney himself!" She tells me.

I laughed at what said because even though she was serious about what she said it was really funny.

"You laugh now but we'll see who the one laughing when you're in my place and dealing with a little brat like you."
I froze at that then started to imagine myself as a mother. Somehow I just could not see it.
It not that I don't want children but it so far away I just can't see it happening for a long time.

"Oh dear there she goes again. I don't know why I bother sometimes" Karen said to herself.

"Sorry. Didn't realize I do it that much" I said with an apologize.

"It's alight, I just wonder where do you go at times"
"Then again maybe it best if not known" she question.

"Probably not" I answer her.

After I set the table it was time for our guess to arrive. I took a final look at myself in one of the mirrors to make sure I was presentable.
I had on a long Black sleeve shirt and a white above the knee skirt. Black tights and some low heel boots go with it. I stepped away from the mirror just in time for them to be welcome them in.

"Mr. And Mrs. Hanson let me introduce you to Mr. Price."

Miss Johnson said starting the inductions.

The Lost Heir  #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now