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In the next morning.  Michael arrived to bring me to the hotel him and Roman was staying too.

It was just about 10:30  when there was a knock on the door.

"I got it"  I hear Karen say before the door open.

"Leia, Michael is here for you"
She said, calling out to me from the bottom of the stairs.

I came up to my room after Breakfast to get ready.
When I'd made the call last night. Mr.Price who insist I called him by Roman instead.

Wanted to meet at their hotel for more privacy.

In the little time, I've known him.
He seem's to be the kind of man to take everything too serious and tight on rules.

I also heard a bit of an accent there too.
I wonder if he's from England?
I guess that something I have to ask him.

"Something to look forward to"
I said out to myself with while rolling my eyes.

As you can tell. I am not one for small talk.

"I'll be right there "
I said in reply to Karen.

I grab a jacket and my bag on the way out before Heading for the stairs.

"Oh, There you are" " I was thinking you would have us waiting for you all morning"
Karen said. Her kind tone was really her way of saying. You took to long while still being polite in front of the guest.

"Sorry. Lost track of time"

"No problem, There's no hurry" Michael answer.

"I'm ready now. Let's go"
I'm in a rush to get this over.
With the events of last night and now I'm about to go to meet a stranger in a hotel room to ask a bunch of questions. You can say I am a bit nervous.

"Sure" "lets hit it."
He said.

"I'll be back later when we get through.ok?"
I said to Karen.

"Sure of course dear. Just be careful"

"Yeah, Always"

I was already out the door before I answer her. Micheal was trailing behind me. Saying his goodbyes.

He's too nice for his own good.


It was pretty quiet in the car while we drove through town.

I was about to turn up the radio when
Micheal decided to speak up.

"So. You lived here long?"
He asked me. He had both hands at ten and two and eyes looking at the road straight ahead

I gave a shrug before replying.

"About a year."

He nods. Then with a"Cool"

"Was you always live with the Hanson's or was you with another family before?"

He asked another question.

I can tell he was trying to make conversation but I wasn't in the mood I couldn't focus on anything right now rather than whats going to happen once we get to our destination.

"There were others"
As all, I can mutter out in my  Couldy mind.

"Oh" What was that like. Living with another family" 
Did you get along with"?
It seems like this guy wasn't going to stop with the questions until
I tell him everything he wants to know.
So I look towards him and took a breath before I spoke.

"Look. I appreciate you trying to be a nice guy and all but the small talk really isn't necessary. So if you don't mind please Stop talking to me" I snap back to him with a glare.

The Lost Heir  #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now