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Hey! I know its been a long time but I hope you guys like this
And maybe Lilia will find out who Zia really is (:O plot twist)


I opened my eyes to the sound of Daniela yelling at me to get dressed.

Dang it! Today is a school day! Great.

As I dragged myself out of bed, there was huge pain in my head. It stung a LOT while I gently touched it.


I was bleeding from my head!

What? When and how?

Flinching, I ran downstairs to find Daniela.

"Danni! My head is bleeding!" I panicked, showing her. She looked at me, confused and she nodded with a look of realization.

"I know. Zia told me you ran into a pole yesterday." she replied.
I was confused.

"What are you talking about?" I said, feeling dizzy.

Daniela grabbed my shoulders and gently shook me. "I took you to the hospital yesterday because you got a head injury. Don't you remember?" She said, touching my forehead.

I shook my head trying to remember yesterday but all I could remember was heading to the bakery to stalk Daniela and then it was all a blank from there.

As I headed to the living room area, I turned around, looking for my phone. Suddenly the world around me started spinning and I heard whispers chanting my name, the light was getting stronger and my head ached like someone threw bricks at my head.

I fell.

*Sometime later*

"Lilia. Lilia, are you okay?" Danni whispers,holding smelling salts up my nose. I pushed her away and headed to the bathroom.

Locking the door behind me, I looked into the mirror, and saw something different that wasn't there before, besides the bruises.

What could it be?

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