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Author note: I hope that this chapter can explain a little of what happen to Lilia :-)
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I stood there standing watching as the bruises covered me like a marked map. And there I stood gazing at my reflection.

What happened to me? I thought about yesterday.

I kept thinking, re-thinking and over thinking, but I could only remember entering the bakery. My head started aching as I tried to remember what happened after. I looked at myself.

How could I have ran into a pole and gotten a black eye? Also bruises on my neck? How did they get there if I ran into a pole?

Something must have happened! I touched my wrist. It was sore, like if someone had tied me up. There was knocking on the door.

"Lilia, is everything okay?" Daniela asked.

How could she possibly ask me if everything was okay when I was injured almost everywhere and the only excuse was I ran into a pole?

"No, I'm not okay!" I screamed, shaking.

How could anything be okay? Nothing was ever gonna be okay! I stood there for the longest waiting for Daniela to move away from the door. I slowly opened the door, making sure Daniela was nowhere in sight.

I tipped-toed to my room and collapsed on my bed, sniveling. I guess you can call me a wimp but I was hurting from the inside and the outside.

There was this feeling, coming from inside. A feeling that told me that there was more to what Daniela was talking about. I opened the window and the breeze tugged on my hair.

I took my head out and stared at Daniela's ugly car. That's when I noticed the guys in the black suits walking toward the car. They were surrounding her car, peeking through every window.

I saw how they placed their hands on the door handles and aggressively kicked the tires. I didn't realize I was shaking, but I was trembling.
Goosebumps arose on my skin making me feel bare and cold. My heartbeat was faster and my eyesight started to blur.

The tallest man had a rope in his hand .
I felt like a real life human earthquake.
I looked at my wrists.

Did they have to do anything with my bruises?

I closed the window, catching their attention by accident. They looked up and grinned evilly, as they proceeded to the front door. I quickly reacted, and ran out to Daniela's room.

"Daniela...?" I asked, desperately needing an answer.

"What?" she replied, looking up from some papers.

"The man you hired for security questions, are they supposed to be here?" I asked.

She laid the papers underneath her pillow and nodded.

"I need to fix some things..." she said grabbing my shoulders and leading me out of her room.

I was afraid but I didn't tell her that. Instead I smiled and locked myself into my room where I would be safe.

For the mean time.

I was listening when Daniela opened the door and greeted the five men.

"Danni, I'm sorry things got out of hand. The message didn't get through correctly." one of them said.

His voice sounded familiar and as he kept talking, I shivered.

"Trust me...I didn't know you guys were related..." another voice jumped in, sending goosebumps down my spine.

And that's when time flew backwards.


I saw myself at the bakery, talking to some guy when Zia appeared and dragged me out.
She seemed to be angry.
I couldn't hear what she was saying.

That's when the men in the black suits drove up and took me away. I could see Zia yelling and running to catch up. One of them covered my mouth with the picture of my dead mother.

Why would they do that?

I could see that they questioned me and I saw myself answering their questions. When I tried fighting back, another man (He had a piercing on his left ear) punched at me on my ribs, stealing the air out of my lungs and leaving me gasping.

He repeatedly did so until he was tired and snatched my wrist and tied them with a rope.

I felt tired and the world was spinning. The man then grabbed my mouth
"Your mommy was beautiful! Too bad she died in a fire..." he said, laughing and so did the rest of them.

I saw them take out an album. Printed on it read: The Garcia family.

They pulled a picture out. "Look this is your mom on her wedding day. We were invited." he said, smiling. I could see how I tried opening the door as they were talking .

"Where are you going? Our boss sent for you." he said, pushing me down to the car floor.

I saw them dialing the phone and talking. The guy on the other line of the phone was angry when he heard my name.

All the men in the car changed their facial expressions when their boss screamed.

"Not Lilia!"

They stopped the car, bagged my head and kicked me out the car.

Luckily enough, Zia was still chasing after the car and found me.

(Present time)

Tears ran down my cheeks.

They knew my mom...

They probably knew the truth.

They probably knew if the 'accident' was on purpose or that if it truly was an accident.

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Author note: I hope you guys understand a little more. Also the picture for the cover on this chapter is supposed to be Lilia's mom on her wedding.

smile :-)

Editor's note: Revised and ready to be read. Have a nice day, mates!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2016 ⏰

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