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"I'm not drinking it until you tell me what it is," Snow said stubbornly as she moved the red liquid away from her mouth. It smelled like apples, but Snow still wasn't going to drink it until she knew what is. She grew up with her father, she knows better. He would always jokingly tell her to drink something, and it would always taste terrible. Thinking of that made her really upset, she missed her father and really wanted him on vacation with them.

"I swear I'm not tricking you like your father does," Regina promised, her voice had a forced sweet tone to it. "It's not from our world, it's something only known to this one. Trust me Snow, it taste amazing! I've already had a glass myself! It tastes like apples," Regina said waving her arms, indicating how amazing it tasted.

Snow stared untrustingly at Regina, but eventually she just shrugged her shoulders. Regina has never lied to her before, why would she lie about something so stupid? Snow gulped the drink, and in an instant she was out cold on the bed.

Regina sighed, it was time to start. She grabbed the first potion that was going to be the most important one. She needed to know if this is just a mirage mixed with memory wipe or if she is actually young again. Regina was praying she was actually young again. That could easily be undone. But the mirage? That's a lot harder. She would need to find where Cora has hidden the memories and she would have to find the exact same spell Cora used to undo the mirage. That task is harder and it will take so much longer.

Regina stuck her hand inside the potion and waved it over Snow. If she is permantly the age, then nothing will happen. If it is a mirage, then it will go away. Not permantly, it won't last more than three seconds. Regina moved her hand away and gave the magic a second to kick in. Regina was praying that nothing would happen. But ofcourse, nothing is ever that simple. Regina felt all of her hopes float into nothingness as she saw the mirage flicker away for a brief second and show adult Snow. Regina sighed frustratingly. Why can't anything ever be simple?

Regina had to move on. Next she needed to know what how much memory Cora took. She pulled out a dreamcatcher from her bag as she waved it over Snow's face, capturing her memories.

Her stomach wrenched as she saw the last thing Snow remembered. It was a younger version of herself, doing Snow's hair into a beautiful braid. Snow looked so happy and excited. Regina was attempting to show the same emotion through her smile, but her eyes gave everything away. They showed a tormented soul filled with pain and anger. They showed some one who was willing to do whatever it took to get revenge on those who have wronged her. They showed bitterness and hatred of the world. But Regina remembered what was hidden deeper even beyond the eyes. What she really desired was to be loved, but that love was ripped away from her by Snow. Because of this, that desire was quickly filed into rage as she made her way into being the Evil Queen. And suddenly, all she remembered was that need for revenge.

Regina took another look at Snow. Oh, how she would have given anything for this oppurtunity. To be alone with Snow White in an isolated room with her knocked out. Regina inched foward closer to the bed. All she would have to do is wrap her hands around Snow's neck and squeeze...

Regina was removed from her dark thoughts as she heard the door open. She stuffed the dreamcatcher under the bed, she didn't want anyone seeing it.

"Did you find anything?" Robin asked softly and quietly, as if not to wake Snow.

"You don't have to whisper, she's out cold. But yes, I discovered something. Does David and Emma want to come in too?" Regina asked. She didn't want to have to explain it twice.

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