Chapter 13

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Rumple stared at Hades, assessing everything he could about him. Hades was sitting on a throne of bones, he was wearing all black, and his hair was blazing blue with angry delight. Rumple's plan was working, if he could make Hades angry enough, he could get Hades to do whatever he wanted.

"I'm waiting Dark One, and I don't like waiting!" Hades said, growing impatient. Rumple smirked, yes, his plan was working perfectly.

"If my research is correct, your brother Zeus placed a curse on your heart, damning you to an eternity in the underworld, unable to ever leave. The only way for it to be broken, is with a true loves kiss, but unfortunately, you can't love. Zeus has put you into an enternal circle of hate, one you can never escape. But alas! There was one for you to escape. The elixer of a broken heart. Your darling Zelena was able to find a dosage of it, even though there is only one dose. Too bad the thief stole it before Zelena could give it to you, cursing you back to the Underworld," Rumple said, pausing to see Hades reaction. He knew it was going to he an angry one, but he was still curious, and he wasn't disappointed.

Hades flew off of his throne, and he stormed towards Rumple. "I'm aware of this information Dark One, now get on with it before I add you into my collection of miserable souls in the river!"

Rumple kept a calm composure, but on the inside he was laughing, that would be a much harder task then what Hades was making it sound like. "When I brought Cora back to life, thinking it was my son Bealfire, I found out something interesting. Before I give you this information, information that can make the Elixar of a broken heartc we need to talk about your end of the deal."

The God of death was exhilerated, he has never been more excited. Could he be with his love Zelena again? "Name your price Dark One," he said with a calm composure. On the outside, his facial expression was as calm as stone, he couldn't show weakness after all.

"Cora has intefered with me bringing my son Neal back. She has mocked me, knowing I can't redo that spell. After you and I are done with her, I want her begging to return to the hell she came from. With your permission, I want to trade Cora's life with my sons, and I want her damned to the worst part of your kingdom," Rumple said, seething with rage. "That is my price."

"Easily done Dark One. I know my Zelena also has a hatred for Cora, so this can help both of you out," Hades said chuckling. "Now, give me that information."

"Gladly. Like I was saying, when I was making the spell to bring my son back, I found that there is a very thin line between a broken heart and death. I can use the same spell, and by swapping out one single ingrediant, I can recreate the Elixer of a Broken Heart," Rumple explained.

"And that ingrediant is?" Hades asked.

"The heart of someone who has had theirs broken beyond repair."

"What are we going to do?" Snow asked exhausted. All she wanted was the spend the rest of her life with her family, without having to worry about how they are all going to stay alive.

"Well figuring out something Snow, we always do," Charming said rubbing his wife's back. He hated seeing her in pain.

"I'm so glad I have you guys for parents and not Cora," Emma said trying to lighten the mood. It was probaly not the best thing to say, but it was the only thing she could come up with.

"Cora has ruined her daughter. Regina was doing fine without Cora in her life," Snow said.  "Do you guys think Regina can be saved?"

"Hell no," Charming said. "We have given her too many chances to make the right choice, and she always choses the wrong one."

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