Chapter 14

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Regina woke up in her bed at the mansion, next to Hook. He was still asleep, although not peacefully, she could see the discomfort covering his face. She couldn't help but chuckle softly. She may have believed his "I'm still a pirate" pretense last night, but she saw straight through him while they were having sex. He was removing himself from the situation, pretending he wasn't there. She's seen that look too many times as the Evil Queen, from her victims, and from her own reflection. He was pretending she was a certain blonde savior, and Regina would be damned if she let the one handed wonder take advantage of her. No, she was going to turn the tables on him. Regina waved her hand, making a note appear that let him know she would be in her vault and for him to meet her there when he woke. She doubted he would be dumb enough to bring his softball team there right away.

Regina appeared in her vault and walked to her potion lab. She had a plan, and she was ready to put it into motion. The anger was beginning to swirl inside of her, something she hasn't felt since was at the top of her game as the Evil Queen. The so called heroes think that they can spy and manipulate her. She wasn't going to have it. She wanted to hurt Snow White, in more ways than one. This is the second love of her life that the perfect Snow White has gotten killed. Snow is doing this on purpose, no one could be so stupid! The anger was rising inside of her, threatening to overflow and blow up like the lava inside a volcanoe. Picking up the nearest glass, she chucked it against the wall, hoping to find some relief. However, like usual, none came. She grips the table so tight her knuckles were turning white.

Sensing the presence behind her, she slowly turned around to the face the pirate. Part 1 of her plan was about the begin. She smiled seductively, she needed Hook to believe she was oblivious.

"Hello your majesty" he said in a gruff and equally seductive voice.

"I see you got my note," she replied leaning against the table.

"First thing I saw when I woke up. Why do you need me here?" He asked, putting his hand on my waist.

Leaning into his touch, I whispered "I need Snow White's heart in my hand, and I need your help to do it."

"And what exactly do you need me to do," he whispered back starting to suck on her neck.

"Bring Snow and Charming to my house, but make sure Emma isn't there. I have a special little curse in mind for the Charmings, one that will keep them apart forever."

"When do you need this done? And how do you plan on giving me my revenge?"

"Tonight. I don't care how you do it, just get it done. As for your revenge, I know where the dagger is. You do this small little favor for me, and it's... all... yours," Regina said before roughly kissing Hook. Looks like it's time for round two.

Gold walked into his shop after arriving from the underworld. He was expecting to find his wife asleep, however she was sitting awake, waiting for him he presumed.

"Where were you?" she asked coldly.

"Business," he said simply. Even though he was just trying to get his son back, he knew Belle would judge him for his tactics.

"No! You don't just to get disappear, and then only give me that. What are you planning Rumple? I swear if this hurts anyone!" Belle started but Rumple quickly turned around, cutting her off.

"I'm not hurting anyone, I was just making a deal," Rumple lied. It was that bad of a lie though, right? He was only hurting Cora, and she is no where near innocent.

"You can't lie to me Rumplestiltskin! I know about you and your deals, there's always a price and some one always get hurts," Belle yelled, starting to get irrated.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2017 ⏰

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