Chapter Six

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Gajeel's POV.

~~Two Hours Later~~

We finally finished going to every house and giving the citizens their vaccines. We where waiting outside the Town Hall while Erza and Lucy went in to get the rewards. I was going to carry Salamander while everyone else carries their own belongings.

I never saw Salamander in such a horrible state, he was breathing shallowly and his face looked pale. I don't understand what that twerp of a healer Wendy meant by "I can't find anything wrong with him", even a blind man could see that this brute is sick and in pain!

If Wendy couldn't heal him, then how could Porlyusca do it? Oh what am I sayin'!? I'm giving this twelve-year old too much credit. Porlyusca is a stronger healer than her. But even past that I couldn't help but feel... doubtful...

"Okay we got the jewel!" Lucy squealed, she was walking besides Erza out the hall carrying six bags of jewel. "Let's get home and take Natsu to Porlyusca."

I nodded and bent over to pick up the unconscious Natsu, I slung his arm around my shoulder and held on to him to hold him up. "Got him," I said.

"I hope he's gonna be okay..." Wendy said with a worried expression.

"Of course he will be, this is Natsu after all! Nothing can take down this crazy pyro that easily," Gray said optimistically, but it never reached his eyes.

"Of course he will that's why we're takin' him to Porlyusca." I snorted.

"Yeah, but I can't help but feel scared... I mean not even Wendy could find out what's up with him. Either this is natural or something is seriously wrong... What if Porlyusca can't find anything for him either?" Lucy panicked.

"Cool it, blondie!" I yelled. "Standin' here like a bunch of cowardly idiots won't do any good, especially for Natsu. So we need to get going or he'll... Let's get going!"

I didn't need to finish the thought, everyone knew where I was getting at and what would happen if we don't help him. Natsu could be dying right now and everyone would be standing like panicked sissies.

I saw the pain in Lucy's eyes as I turned and began walking with the unconscious Salamander with me. She looked sad and afraid. I knew how they looked at each other and how their loyalty was ongoing. They liked each other, and if Levy where to get hurt I'd probably feel the same way. Thank god Warren ain't here to hear my thoughts, if he was then I'll personally break him.


The sun was high in the sky as soon as we boarded the train. I put Natsu on a seat besides Lucy and ran to the window as quickly as possible. Wendy and me hung our heads out the train as it began moving.

The moment it moved I felt my insides rise in my mouth. As soon as the train was at full speed I was throwing up out the window about every ten minutes. It felt horrible! Why didn't I bring Pantherlily with me?! More like why didn't our exceeds come with us? I'd rather a long flight trip home instead of going at high speeds with a puke fest.

I was gasping for air, the vomit taste in my mouth made me want to throw up more. Wendy was trying to sleep but just now woke up with a layer of green on her face. I covered my mouth with my hand as Wendy got up and puked out the window. To the right of the passage isle and our seats, Erza and Gray where glaring at us while Lucy was stroking Natsu's hair.

Goddammit blondie, stop petting that guy like a dog. I wanted to say, but I felt more puke rise in my throat and ran to the window and threw up right besides Wendy.

"Looks like even Natsu could hold in more puke than you two," Gray observed from behind us. "Motion sickness must really suck."

"It does, Ice Princess," I said, turning away from the window and to them. "Want to know how much it sucks?"

Gray plastered a look of disgust over his smirk and moved away from me. "Get that puke cannon away from me!" He screamed and pushed back into Erza.

I chuckled. "Wow, I see why the pyro calls you 'Ice Princess', you scream just as annoyingly as Elsa's singing!" I couldn't help but laugh at my own joke, and that resulted me in almost throwing up on the train floor.

"Whatever you say now please point your puke away from me!" Gray snarled in fear. I never knew he was a dog?

I turned and threw up out the window.

"Why can't my spells work?!" Wendy exclaimed as she tried to use her Sickness Spell. She only threw up on her hands and squealed in pain and disgust.

--- two hours of throwing up later---

We finally got off the train, I was so happy I cleaned my mouth with water and threw my fists in the air. "YASSSSS!" I yelled as I opened the train window. I grabbed Wendy and I jumped out with her. I landed on the ground and plopped Wendy on the wooden port floor, then I ran around.

I loved not feeling like my guts where gonna explode. I kissed the wood and cheered. The people who where preparing to board the train looked at me funny.

I regarded them with a glare.

"Try getting on a three hour long train ride with motion sickness and then we'll be seeing who'll be laughing!" I barked, everyone looked anywhere but at me. I loved inspiring fear within the people. it's just plain out funny.

"Let's go," Erza said as she got off the train. She had Natsu slung over her shoulder and she glared at me and Wendy. "Thanks to you two we had to pay fifty more jewel to the people running this train! And as pay back I used both of your jewels combined to pay it off." She hissed.

"We can't help it, Titania," I said. Everyone looked at us and began cheering. Ugh great, here comes the typical FairyTail fandom. We gotta get the hell outta here before they make me sign their stuff...

"I'm not fond of the attention so let's just get Natsu to Porlyusca now..." Lucy said with an anime  sweatdrop on her head. I nodded in agreement.

I smirked and grabbed Wendy, who just finished cleaning the puke off her face. I carried her while everyone else went straight to Porlyusca's with a crowd of cheering mobs behind us. Thank god they ain't following though, I can take barely enough of the fans than needed to follow...

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