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(A/N): Here's your long awaited epilogue! I hope you enjoy!!! Oh and I might update The Hunted soon, too!

     Natsu's POV.

     The hell?... Ugh.... my head feels like crap... what happened? Why can't I.... remember anything?

     I slowly opened my eyes, my head felt like it was splitting open so the action wasn't done without a few grunts of pain. Blinding light awaited me to open my eyes and left them open to an onslaught of pain. I hissed quietly in pain and blinked a couple of times, adjusting to my surroundings. It felt like I just woke up from a dream, my eyes felt crusty and heavy but I forced myself to look around. I was in the infirmary of the guild from the looks of it. I sat up and immediately regretted doing that and laid back down again. My body hurts like hell, like I just got out of a fight with a dragon but ten times worse, like I just barely lived through a fight with Acnologia! Why does that sound oddly accurate? Why can't I remember anything!?

     I didn't know how long I laid there, but when I finally snapped out of it I saw the door swinging open. Master, Porlyusca, Wendy, Lucy, Gray, and Erza stepped into the room, their eyes all lit up when they saw me, as if it was fore the first time. Gray laughed in relief, Erza smiled as if she saw a huge warehouse full of awesome swords, and Lucy almost fell over crying. Before I knew it she was on top of me, sobbing into my shoulder while holding me so tightly I thought my bones would break.

    "You're awake! I'm so glad! Don't you ever scare me like that again!" She sobbed, she then weakly began pounding her fists against my chest, "Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid!..."

     "Uuuuh... Hey, Luce," I said, I really didn't know how to respond to this. What happened? But all I did know right now was that she felt sad, so I hugged her back. "Yeah, heh! I'm back, so... uh... what happened?"

     she pulled away from me and studied me for a minute, her teary brown eyes confused. "You don't remember?" She'd ask. I shrugged at her apologetically, plastering on my "famous grin".

     "Dude, you were possessed and turned into a dragon because of your vengeful foster uncle," Gray said, he sounded as if he was talking to a kid who didn't know if it was OK to break a crayon or not.

     "Ooooohhh...." I said. They looked at me expectantly, but you could imagine their surprise when I began laughing, "I WAS A DRAGON!? COOOL! WHAT DID I LOOK LIKE? WAS I LEGIT LIKE IGNEEL? THAT'S SO AWESOME!!!"


     I was speechless at that, I stared at her and she glared back at me. I felt my eyes widen as everything came flooding back. All of it. All of it... I clutched my head with a gasp of pain, my skin breaking out in a cold sweat. I heard Lucy along with everyone else flinch, but I barely paid mind to them. No, I couldn't have done that! I couldn't... I COULDN'T!

     "Natsu?..." I heard her say, she sounded afraid, as if I could suddenly turn into a monster at any second, the thought of it killed me on the inside. I reached up and grabbed Lucy's shoulders roughly, she gasped in surprise as I shook her, "I COULDN'T HAVE DONE THAT! RIGHT LUCY!?" I shouted. "I'M NOT A MONSTER, RIGHT!? PLEASE TELL ME THAT THOSE ARE..." Everything I thought I was, everything I thought I understood was crumbling apart, I felt frustrated tears sting my eyes, everyone there stared at me in shock. I buried my face in Lucy's chest, clutching her tightly. "That can't be true, right? Please tell me that all of this was a bad dream... It has to be! Please..."

     They didn't respond, and I felt Lucy's hands reluctantly hold me. I kept on muttering how this was all a bad dream, all those memories, they had to be... they had to be... No! Someone's screwing with my memories, right? Right?

     "Natsu, are you alright?" I heard Erza ask. I just shook my head, my face still hidden.

     "What a way to go, Lucy!" Gray shouted, Lucy flinched. "He just woke up and you're poundin' all that happened on him! Don't call him a murderer for Pete's sake, it was Kurohi's fault!"

     Kurohi... I recognize that name...

    "I know, but you were gonna do it eventually," Lucy retorted.

    "Better eventually than now!"

    "Calm down, both of you!" Macarov shouted. "A lot has happened since the fall, but we all should just be grateful that Natsu's still alive and well. But for now, let's leave him to think things over for a bit."

    "Wait..." I said, I didn't have the strength yet to talk aloud just yet, I still felt... numb from learning of the truth. "I don't wanna be alone, could you guys please stay for a bit longer?"

     It felt really weird saying that, and I could tell that they're confused as hell, but I just feel this nagging feeling of emptiness in the pit of my chest, like a large part of my soul was stolen. The same pain I felt when Igneel... I don't remember much, but why does it feel like I'm missing someone? I mean, sure learning that you were a sociopath for like three months is a real bummer, but why do I feel so... I saw my scarf was draped over my shoulders, it was a strange greyish color and it smelt like ashes and lemons, the scent was familiar and it reminded me of Igneel and... Kurohi. I didn't need my memories to know that Acnologia was in fact dead, that I accomplished my dad's final wish. The void in my chest began filling in a bit.

     I felt other arms wrap around me and their scents filled my nose. I didn't need to look up to know that they were all there, comforting me with hugs and companionship. Porlyusca wasn't in the hug though, but I knew she was watching. It felt good to have a family like this, and I would never trade them out for anything else in the world, and I felt my soul mend back together, as if it was never scarred in the first place.

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