Chapter Seventeen

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     ???'s POV

     I sensed chaos in the air, I smelled blood and it was so close I could almost taste it. Centuries ago, I made my goal to destroy all those weak so I can become ruler of the world. After my dragon died along with my village I left with my own goal of destruction, it was all I lived for, it was all because of those Dragon Slayers and Dragons themselves. And yet here I am, sensing a dragon through the etherion in the air. What is this one doing alive? It's so familiar, I remember killing it. Ah, I see, now I remember, it's that pathetic black fire dragon who fled while I was taking down all the dragons. Never have I met a coward as big as he. But what is he doing here? Did he finally muster the courage and use "Dragon Soul Possession" on a dragon slayer? If that was the case then I get to kill two birds with one stone, one dragon slayer and re-killing one dragon soul both at the same time. But where's the fun in that? I, Acnologia, king of the dragons themselves, and dragon of the apocalypse, live for the destruction of dragon slayers and dragons all in good fun and vengeance.

     It's near Magnolia in Fiore and I sense that those other humans who attacked me on Tenroujima live there. They showed me off that day and I will kill them all, but first let's see if I can take down that dragon. I sense it's injuries so it will be a quick kill, but I'm not one for quick killings so I guess I will attack Magnolia first.

     Let's have some fun.


     Macarov's POV.

     We watched the area where Natsu went, my mind was whirling with the thoughts. Igneel once told me to watch Natsu before I met him, I was to collect him and make sure he's okay with social interaction. But how in the world did he turn into a dragon? The dragons themselves told us that were was almost no way in the world he could go dragonize on us. But here I am, standing in front of proof that our Salamander dragonized. But what was with his eyes when I fought him, they were red and lifeless. Would that happen to the other dragon slayers? Will they turn too?

    "Gajeel, Wendy, Laxus," I said and they walked up to me. "I'm sorry but we need to watch you three for a while. I can't risk what happened to Natsu to happen to you too."

    "Uh, with all do respect master, but Natsu's spirit told us that he didn't dragonize- in a way. A dragon soul infected his body, turned him into a dragon and possessed his body," Wendy told me. It sounds a lot like an ancient spell that I read about before in a book. But then all the pieces fell in place in my mind and I immediately understood.

    "Dragon Soul form three, possession," I muttered but the dragon slayers heard me.

    "Huh?" Laxus asked.

    "It's a spell that can only be done by deceased dragon souls," I explained. "In particular, vengeful Dragon Souls. This works when a dragon searches and finds a dragon slayer of it's own element, in this situation it's fire. It infects the host's body and disables the antibodies that was placed in the dragon slayer or if there wasn't any antibodies in dragon slayer at all they would be an easy target of both dragonize and Possession. Igneel did place antibodies in Natsu so maybe the dragon's soul could have disabled them and took over his body. It causes internal changes which lead to the host being very sick until about a week later when it finally can control the person, the viruses it's own soul releases into the host causes unconscious mind, resulting in possession and soul absorption."

     Nobody spoke for a few moments, there was some details I left out but everyone looked like pale statues with confused expressions on their faces and three deep blue lines under one of everybody's eyes. It was like they didn't understand what I was talking about. Oh well I bet they at least got the message.

    "So..." Levy finally said. "Natsu is a host of a dragon's curse, right?"

    "Yes," I replied. "Bixlow, tell me how his soul is."

    "Not good," Bixlow said and removed his helmet so we can see that doll tattoo on his face and neon green eyes. "His soul is dangerously close to being completely consumed. It's like that dragonoid but his soul is slipping away slower. I'm guessing it slips a bit everyday."

    "And... Natsu was like that for two months," Lucy said softly.

    "No wonder why Natsu's so far gone..." Bixlow sighed and put back on his helmet.

     I looked away from my children and looked to where Natsu went. Everything was starting to piece together. A vengeful dragon, causing chaos, dragons died hundreds of years ago to Acnologia, and now suddenly one decides that it's a good idea to possess a mage and use his body.

     Now I get it. The dragon's aim was to control Natsu to give them a physical form again to kill off Acnologia. If so then the dragon who was possessing him must be really dumb or too vengeful to even think straight. Not even Igneel could beat Acnologia, so what made this spirit think it could do any better? It might not even know that it could get both it and Natsu killed if it goes against him.

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