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signs as Ashton Irwin tweets -

Aries "sounds stressful I'm afraid"

Taurus "there is a reason that you are here X"

Gemini "I love being in this band :-) it's my everything :-) #5sosforlife"

Cancer "@luke5sos hey bro I hear you are like 6 9" "

Leo "home is where my band is :)"

Virgo "find out next week on 'who's eggplant is it anyway'..."

Libra "Rock out with your cocks out, except for the girls, don't do that"

Scorpio "some people are sass monsters in Twitter, like honey you need to chill"

Sagittarius "I'm basically saying, I am uncool pretty much everywhere"

Capricorn ".@harry_styles IM NOT EMO IM WEARING A DAMN PONY SHIRT"

Aquarius "@calum5sos guess who got a penis piercing"

Pisces "mums literally given everyone in the family a 5SOS t shirt lol... "

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