Chapter 5 - Family Love

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I went straight home, Nathaniel, Clea, and Aimee followed me into my house, leaving their guards outside.
Because Aundrew was sick, that is the first place I went. I walked into his room and sat on his bed. I put my hand on his forehead
"sogdon ildis ili?" I asked.
"Ameku" He replied.
"Liar" I said. "You're burning up."
Then Nathaniel said "umm, sorry to inturrupt but what was it that you guys just said?"
"Oh, I asked how he was and he said excellent. So that's why I called him a liar. This is Aundrew by the way." I looked at Aundrew "hey, honey. These are my friends Nathaniel, Aimee, and Clea." I tell him, gesturing towards the three.
Aundrew lookes up at them with the biggest smile.
"yen asondiv in ira isi?" He asked.
"Jen. Aundrew." I told him and before they had a chance to ask I said "He asked if you speak Sondiv, and I told him no."
"Oh, does he speak English at all?" Clea asked me
"Yeah" I told her "he's not fluent though, he probably should be, but he's not."
Aundrew looks at me and says "ama, irbik idi."
"Alright" I tell him "I'll get you something to eat."
"Come with me" I say as I look up at my friends. They come, and when I look at Nathaniel he looks really deep in thought but comes with me anyway.
I start making a sandwich when he scares the crap out of me by shouting "I got it"
"What?" I ask him.
"I couldn't figure out why that word sounded so firmiliar to me." He looked up at me "you didn't find Aundrew in the street did you?"
"What? Why?" I ask.
"I finally placed the word, he called you mom. He's your son isn't he?"
"I... here, wait here. I'm going to go give him his food, then I'll come back and talk about this."
I gave Aundrew his food and came back out into the kitchen.
I sat down and looked at my friends, who all look intrigued.
"Yeah," I tell them "Aundrew is my son." I stopped, looking into their faces for the judgement I knew was coming but it wasn't there. So I continued "I told you about the human family that saved mine. But I didn't tell you everything. The parents were amazing, they were so kind and generous, but the son. He was evil, pure evil. He is about 8 years older than me. And I stayed with them for 4 years, when I was about ten is when it started. He would sneak into my room when no one was awake. I never said anything because, I didn't want to jeopardize the opportunity we were given, to live free lives." I looked up into their eyes again, but there was still no judgement there. There was something else, but I couldn't place it.
Before I could continue he said "how old were you when... when Aundrew was conceived?"
"12" I told him. "It was right before I was caught and put here in the sector.
When my family here took me in, I didn't know, and when I found out... Shelby was the first to try to help. They never even once considered kicking me out, they took me in, loved me, and hid me sometimes because no one could ever know. He's half human, he could become some kind of science experiment. And when I was 13 and he was born they came up with the abandoned baby story.
Of course I take care of him, he's my son, and my responsibility. But they take care of us both in the places I cant." I stare into their eyes, trying to place what they're thinking.
"I" Aimee starts, but gets inturrupted when Aundrew starts going into a coughing fit. I get up and get a glass of water to bring in to him.
"Here you go, hun" I say as I hand him the water.
"Asolaviv" He says back, before taking a sip.
"You're welcome" I whisper into his hair as I kiss his head. My friends walk in and sit down, not saying anything. Just staring at the two of us.
"I" Aimee says again, "I never knew that could happen." She finally finishes. "I told you, you should've told your parents. All of this might've never happened if you did."
"No," I told her. "One of the best things in my life came out of it. It's okay, everything happened the way it was supposed to." I look down at Aundrew and stroke his hair. "Hey guys" I say without looking up
"Yeah?" Clea asks.
"Don't tell anyone, okay?" I ask them, knowing they'll keep my secret.
"Of course" Clea says.
"You know we won't tell anyone." Aimee continues.
"Thanks" I say, finally looking up at them, and smiling.
Aundrew finishes his food and I set the plate on his nightstand with his water. Then I sit up by his head, and he curls his top half into my lap. "ili ildis Aksemu nigayana yala und Ewaganu husoljivi widi" I whisper to him as I stroke his hair until he falls asleep.
It's silent in the room for a while until Nathaniel asks"What... what was it that you whispered to him before he fell asleep?"
"Oh, it's just something I say to him before he goes to sleep every night. It means you are my sun and stars and moon of my life."
"That's beautiful" He tells me.
I just smile, and we sit in the peace and quiet for a while.
After Aundrew fell asleep I walked my friends to their guards, bidding them farewell. The humans left without too much of a problem while they were in the sector.

When we actually got to go to the old ship for the arrival day celebration, that was another story. The red hawks took over a video that was supposed to be about our side of Arrival day, and then everyone started freaking out. I swear, that was almost the end of the integration program, but luckily Roman saved the day.
We went back home. And then life continued as it had been, until...

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