Chapter 8: University.

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Lorilees POV:

We sat in his car for the whole ride in silence. I refused to speak to him, because of the way he spoke to me. How dare he think that I would allow he to speak to me like that.

We arrived at a small little authentic café. He hgot out the car and began walking over to open my door, but before he could I opened it as I didn't want him to, with the way he's acting I didn't want him doing anything for me thinking that I'm some helpless girl that would fall to his feet because of his charming looks and sexy smile, NO WAY. As I slammed his door shut I huffed at him and walked of into the small café.

Janek's POV:

As she slammed my car door shut and strutted off I knew she was hella mad at me, I know that my actions earlier that morning wasn't exeptable but I was somewhat pissed of from my father this !morning and I think that kinda brushed off.

I didn't like that I annoyed my little chocolate beauty, I didnt know how to make things better with her I was used to things like this. I just wanted to grab her back and make love to her until she forgives me. The thought of that got my little friend all excited. I shakes my head out of the daze that I had wrapped myself into and mad my way to my favorite café that I always went to when I wanted yto get away from my way of life and I wanted to bring my princess to share my special place with.

I aimlessly walked into the café to my little beauty standing there tapping her feet looking at me annoyingly to show how pissed off she was at me for keeping her waiting for a few minutes. I grabbed her and and lead her to the far back of the café where it was secluded from other people.

Lorilee's POV:

I enetered the little café and was amazed on thew decvoraction and all the colour that swirled the walls that held it together it had a teal blue background with swirls of yellow, green, blue and menu other colours that danced around in different shapes. There were old pictures that held pride along the walls, the café was pretty quite due to the time it was in the morning. I waited for Janek annoyingly at the door as he aimlessly walked through the door like he didn't have a care in the world. New grabbers !my hamnd and guided me through the café to this far back where it was more quite and reserved, we both sat down and started at each other until he broke the silence.

"I'm sorry beautiful, I really am fore the way I acted this morning I just had a lot on my mind and I guess I took it out on you. Which I shouldn't have done, please forgive me bella?" He pleaded with me. I could see in his eyes that he really meant it, but I didn't want him to think I was a push over so I'm gonna make him sweat it for a while. What harm would it do ay?

"I didn't appreciates the way you handle things this morning Janek. I'm not one of your buddy or you're workers that you can demand things and expect me to be glorified about it. What byou did has serious consequences and you will be punished accordingly." I didn't registure until I finished my mini speech that I just sexually threatened him. And is then I realised that he held a huge smirk on his face.

"That I would happily love to receive bella." He smirked devilishly at me.

Just when oi was about to reply the waiter came over to take our order.Janek ordered for me whilst we talked and ate aimlessly about random things we both liked and disliked, we came to under stand each other more and how much I could see myself being with this man for a life time.

After we finished are meal he drove me to university and he gave me a long kiss Goodbye and I walked into UOAS and collevctyed all my necessary documents and my locker keys. At this time I reliswd that my life was changing right under my nose without me even realising.

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