Sammy: Filming With the Weirdos

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So, the boys (JC, Kian, and Joey) decided to let me come with them to the store to pick up stuff for their next challenge video. Some weird people are they.

"Hey how bout we throw eggs at each other? Whoever gets an answer wrong like a math problem." JC suggested.

"Sounds nice huggle bun." Kian said. So gay.

"Cool, I need more plastic bags for my camera." Joey is so clean. Always cleaning or keeping it clean.

"So what am I to do." I ask. 

"We could drop you off at Ricky's. Wait he's at the gym, that Fitbit. How bout you help us find shit?" JC says.

"Ok Justin."

"Ooooo actual name. Ha!" Kian yells.

Kian's cute. I'd totally date him. I mean if it wasn't for John. I feel like John is hiding something though. I don't like that feeling.

After getting everything for the video, we head back to their house to start filming. I'm the one asking the question s so I'm off camera but make a few appearances.


"124!" JC yells

"What the fuck? It's 132" Kian laughs.


"143!" JC yells. 

"You suck at this JC."

"JC's right." I tell Kian. He looks at me in utter confusion even when he gets an egg to the head.

So cute.

Once the video is over, and of course JC won, we had to clean up. We did it on the balcony so it was easier to clean up. By easier I mean still impossible. It was easier because they had me as the mom yelling at them and Joey got that on camera. It went in the main video.

Since they threw eggs at me and Joey, we all had to take showers. It was about seven at night so we ate dinner first. That day was fun.

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