Home or Death

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The human was frightened but she didn't show it. She was amazed but didn't admit to it. The gelding found himself calm in her presents.

She recovered from the ground and touched the geldings face. It felt familiar.

Like they've done this before but the gelding don't recall ever seeing her.

She too seems as if they've meet before.

"I found you at last!" She whispered. The gelding nuzzled closely into the girls arms feeling there warmth.

Suddenly something grab him by the head and rip him from his girls arms. She screamed no just as the gelding pulled away.

"Get back little girl this is a crazy animal! He could have bit your pretty little face off." The man said.

The gelding pend his ears and bared his teeth. He did not want to leave the girl.
"I'll buy him from you!" She yells.
"Scram off you couldn't afford him!" The man says angrily.
"I can to! Just let-" the man cut her off.
"I said no!"
The man held a club with spikes and anger flared into the gelding when it rises threateningly over the girls head. 

The gelding whinnied and step on the mans foot pressing as hard as he could. The man being stupid wasn't wearing boots.

"Agh!" He screams as the ligaments in his foot are flatten like a pancake.

"You waste of horse flesh." And then the club was raised to the gelding and he was struck with it.

The force of the blow and the spikes sent the gelding crashing to the ground.

The girl screamed bloody murder.

Pain and darkness began to swallow him whole until he could see no more.

I watch horrified as the man hit the poor gelding and he crashed to the ground. I screamed.

I grab the club from the man without thinking and smack him in the ass with it. He yelps in pain and turns toward me.

"You'll be sorry for that!" He step toward me and I pointed the club at him.

"You'll be sorry for ever hitting a horse with this horrible thing! It hurts doesn't it! How would you like it if I was to hit you in the head with it! Now you better scram off before I use this thing on you! You will get your money for him at the end of the action!" I screamed and I never felt something so strong.

I wanted this gelding and clearly he wanted me. I needed him. He was so much of Amber that I thought it was her. But it wasn't just that that made me want her. It was his pride! The way he held himself! It was him.

I've never seen another horse to catch my eye after Amber.

I tossed down the club when a whimper drew me back to the gelding.

I bent down next to him. He had a nasty cut above his eye. It gushed out blood. It would need about six stitches. I ripped off a sleeve of my jack and wrapped it tightly around his head.

The crown that was watching is earlier was now moving on. Except one. A boy about my age with blonde hair and blue eyes came up.

"You will need to press on that or it won't stop! I've got a first aid kit in my truck I can get it if you want." He said bending down to touch the gelding.

"That would be great thanks my mom sees my jacket like this and she will flip." I said smiling.

He smiled a beautiful row off teeth. And then looked down at the gelding sadly.

"I've seen ones like him, they came in a stock trailer from somewhere and then left here to either sell to the butcher, who was that guy you told off, or just die here because no one feeds them." He said sympathy and pity thick in his voice.

"That's horrible." I said staring at the gelding luckily I found him.

"It they way things are, I will get the bandages." He said and then getting up and leaving.

That's when my mother and grandmother showed up.

"Amy! What on earth happen!" My mother asks staring at my jacket.

I didn't bother explaining I could do that later after I got Leo outta here.

"I will tell you later right now we've gotta pay for Leo and get him outta here." I said wiping crimson smears onto my pants. The bleeding wasn't stoping and I got worried.

"Who Leo?" She asked.

"My horse." I said simple like I would have told anyone Amber was my horse.

It felt good to say those words again.

"Please don't ask questions just help me."  I said and my mother and grandmother stared at me then each other but neither said a word.

I smiled and turned my attention to the gelding. His breathing was even but I worried how long that would last. He could die not like this not right now. I just found him.

Something told me though if he died I would know. Just like I knew when Amber was gone.

Part of me would die too!

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