New Home New Friend

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The red gelding kept replaying his new name in his mind over and over again. Likening the sound of his name the more he thought of it. name is Leo! Leo is my name.

After he ha been struck in the head and then moved to a stall, he was loaded into a trailer and drove almost 3 hours away.

When they reached his new home, the smell of horses and hay filled his nostrils. He released a shrill whinny and it was replied only a second later from a stallion.

He snorted at the noise and stomped a hoof. Suddenly the trailer stopped and the gelding cast a white eyed look around to see what was happening.

The door opens and the girl came forth.

She smelled of sweet oats and apples. He nipped her shoulder thankful for what she's done. She giggled and patted his shoulder. He was tensed and she knew it. She rolled his loose skin where his neck meets his shoulder into her palm causing every muscle in Leo's body to relax. He chewed and sighed as the the relaxing feel calmed his nerves and ease the pain in his head.

She untied the lead and lead Leo out of the trailer, and into his new home.

I placed Leo in a newly cleaned stall with fresh water and some hay. He went right away at munching on the hay.

This is when I really looked at him. He was thin. Very thin. He lacked about 500 hundred pounds of what he should be. And he has scars, ugly ones. Over his nose and on his legs mostly. He was chestnut like most people would thing because if the orange hint in his mane. No he was red. Red like that of blood from a freshly cut wound. So the only way I knew he was bleeding is when the blood ran over his white points. Witch was a blaze that ran along his face and over one side of his nose. Three white socks. Two in the back and on on the front left. Then he had a white spot on his withers and under his stomach. Well they were the most noticeable ones. He had tiny ones freckled along his thigh.

He was beautiful but ugly all the same. He had perfect conformation.

I couldn't imagine why anyone wouldn't want him. His not perfect but his something else.

"I think he likes you."

The sound of a voice made me jump, I held back a scream and turned to face the one who spoke.

It was that boy who helped me get him here.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, "Oh you think?" It wasn't a question meant to be answered but he did anyways.

"Yeah I can tell from the way he glances at you." He said moving closer to me to take a look at Leo.

"You know how a horse feels just by looking at it?" I asked.

He nodded his head, "If you truly know your horse and listen they'll tell you exactly how they feel." He said his breath right in my ear.

I shivered but not from the cool night air.

Leo nickered and walked over to us. I pat his nose and he nibbled on my fingers.

"So your a horse expert?" I asked turning to look at the boy.

"No but I know enough." He said his voice confident.

"Ah I see." I said turning back to Leo.

"What is it?" He asked curiosity blazing in his gaze.

"Nothing." I said shrugging my shoulders like I didn't care.

"Yeah sure." He smiled.

I turned back around and he was right there. We were just a few inches apart.

"It's just that well I needed a expert." I said, fighting the temptation to touch him.

He looked at me his eyes knowning. "Well I'm a expert in most things." He said his smile was devilish and I knew what he meant and I couldn't help but laugh.

"I need a expert in western riding you see I was a jumper." I said as my heart beat jumped in my throat as his hand brushed my cheek.

"Ah so Beverly Hills needs help from the hillbillies." He said his eyes were laughing.

"Ha I'm not from Beverly Hills, I'm from the out scurts of Hollywood." I said poking him in the chest as a matter if fact.

"Same difference, big time show rider needs hell from a little old cowboy." He said teasingly.

"Well prove to me that your not just some redneck idiot with no clue about anything." I said, "I need to know your not stupid before I risk my life." I added.

He chuckled," Well most folks around here are a lot more civilized."

I smiled as he lend in closer, I rised on my tiptoes. Then suddenly something from behind pushed me forward and I lost my balance.

But was saved. He caught me just as our lips met and his arm wrapped around my waist. His hand cupped my jaw as he kissed me. I've never in my life experienced something so intoxicating.

It was to good to be true.

Suddenly a flash of reality hit me like a brick in the face and I freaked. I shoved the boy back and he subbed a couple times before finding his footing.

"Don't ever do that!" I said anger boiling inside if me. How dare he? How dare I let him?

"I'm sorry Amy it's just your really beautiful-" I stopped him right there.

"Please leave." I said my voice trembling.

"Again I'm sorry." He said his voice full of true remorse.

"It's fine just don't ever again." I said my voice strange and uncertain.

"Will it be rude of me to ask if I can see you again?" He asked before he turned to leave.

"No." I said simply.

Truth was I wanted to see him again. But I wasn't going to tell him that.

"Tomorrow?" He asked. I nodded my head. He turned and walked out of the barn. Leo nudged my arm.

"It was you who pushed me wasn't it." I said and he bobbed his head up as down. I chuckled and patted his nose and then he went back to munching on his hay.

Maybe I'm overreacting. I don't know what scared me more the fact that I kissed a boy I just met or that I wanted to do it again.

Then I remember something.

I ran out if the barn just as he was climbing into his truck.

"I don't know your name!" I shouted.

I could see him smile, rows of bright white teeth.

"My names Dean." He said.

"Well I'm Amy!" I said then realizing a moment to late he already knew that.

He nodded, "Yeah I know." His eyes were laughing at me. I frowned in frustration at him.

"See you tomorrow Amy." He said and then with that he got in his truck and left Ina cloud of dust.

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