2 dares and a question

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Me: ok everyone we got 2 dare's and a question

Liz: who are they for?

Me: well the question's for Spirit so we'll start with that

Spirit: *flirting with Medusa*

Maka: MAKA-CHOP! *Maka-Chops Spirit*

Spirit: MAKA!!!


Everyone: *silent and shocked*

Me: better ok Spirit this question is from Skycatluvscake and they asked, Spirit why do you go after every cute girl you see?

Spirit: uh...

Maka: my papa is a pervert that's why and a cheater! *angry glare*

Spirit: Maka why don't you love me! *crying his eyes out, wailing like a baby*

Everyone else: *sweat drop*

Me: answer the God-damn question!

Spirit: well I just feel attracted to cute women...and-

Maka: MAKA-CHOP! *Maka-Chops Spirit*

Spirit: *unconscious on the ground*

Me: thank you Maka ok this dare is from Narccisstic_Reaper and they dared everybody to hang out with their OC, Monochrome

Monochrome Kasai
Species: demon/angel
Height: (5"0)
Personality: very shy, doesn't fit in with neither the Angels or demons, very hot headed if offended/ called rude names, easily flustered.
(If you wanna know more about Monochrome, read Narccisstic_Reaper oc's book)

Maka: ok where is she?

*knock knock*

Me: *runs to the door* Monchrome hello!

Monochrome: h-hello *shyly smiles*

Everyone: Hey Monochrome *smiling, waving*

Monchrome: *hides behind me*

Liz: what did we do something wrong?

Me: no she's just very, very shy *takes her hand and sits down with the others* now hang out

2 hours later

Monochrome: w-wow guys, your all so n-nice

Maka: thank you

Soul: your pretty cool

Me: ok on to our last dare now from DeaththekidisHOT to Tsubaki to take Black Star out on a date

Tsubaki: *blushes*

Black Star: *blushes slightly*

Liz: *smirks*

Me: Liz your smirking again

Liz: yeah because I knew this would happen

Tsubaki: ok Black Star, do you want to go out on a date?

Black Star: of course let's go now! *yells and drags Tsubaki out*

Me: thank you and bye everyone!

(a/n: So I don't know when my internet is gonna run out so if I don't get back to your truth or dares I promise I will eventually)

-El out/

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