One Dare

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Me: Hey everyone!

Buckthewookiee: Hey.

Grace: Hello!

Me: We have a dare from @Death_Taco222111 who dared Maka to Maka-Chop Stein and her crush. Ok let's start!

Maka: This dare is easy! *pulls out book*

Me: Stein come here!

Stein: *comes in* What?

Maka: Maka-Chop! *Maka-Chops Stein*

Stein: *shrugs and walks away*

Me: Well strange.... But now to Maka-Chop your crush.

Maka: Easy.

Soul: *walks in*

Maka: Maka-Chop! *Maka-Chops Soul*

Soul: *falls to the ground, holding his head* Ow Maka why?!

Maka: *smirks* It was a dare.

Me: Well this was a quick chapter. Thank you for reading, commenting and voting.
Bye from myself, Grace, and buckthewookiee

-Ella out/

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