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Author's note:
Just a heads up, this rant contains colorful language.

My dad pisses me if so much! Here's the deal. My mom is trying to sleep because she has a long and early day of work ahead of her tomorrow, but she can't sleep because my dad has the TV turned up to damn loud. So she comes in the living room and asks him to turn it down then says "i wish you would turn it off and go to sleep too like my grandpa use to do" and my dad fucking explodes, yelling at her not to tell him when he should go to sleep and how it's not her grandpa's house. He is a fucking hipocrite, EVERY damn day he tells my mom to go sleep when he thinks it's to late for her to be up. Like what the fuck you even told her that today and when she can't sleep because of you and suggests that you get some sleep too you start yelling at her when she did NOTHING wrong! He's ALWAYS doing stupid shit like that and gets mad over everything and is always bossing everyone around and everything has to be done his way even when it's wrong. He's CONSTANTLY like that which is why that incident pissed me off so much. UGH I'm so done rn but noooo I have fucking homework

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