Ben No More...

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Instead of beginning his final test Ben swung his saber at Luke who dodged and stepped backward. Ben used the force to hold Luke still before knocking him out. Luke collapsed. Ben then turned to the other padawans and brought his blade down on one, then another, until they all lay dead. I sat still in my seat until his attention turned to me.

"Ben, what have you done?" I yell at him.

"It was for the greater good." He replies calmly.

"Ben, I have no choice but to kill you." I whisper.

"You could come with me." He suggests. I growl and flip on my saber the dark green crackles ominously. I swing at his head but he brings his blue blade up to meet mine. I flit around him faster that I would have thought possible. I turns to face me as I take a step closer. His eyes clear for a moment, he pulls me in and kisses me but I push him away in disgust. His eyes gain that power hungry look and in a second pain erupts on my left hand, or at least where it used to be. I scream and he panics for a brief second, enough time for me to lunge in and grab his own saber.

I then take off running towards my x-wing. I leap into the cockpit and start the engine. The pain clouds my sight and I get to fighter off the ground. One handed is new for me, but I manage and take off into the air, a scream of anger erupts from below me. Ben. Well, Ben no more. That is when I let the tears fall, as I calculate the jump to lightspeed. I have to get to the resistance.

Once the stars in my vision disappear I open the comlink.

"Resistance, this is Layla Sentinel. I request landing." I say voice oddly calm.

"Layla, you can land in hangar bay 123. Would you like me to contact your father?" The attendant asks.

"No, I'll get him myself." I reply before angling the x-wing towards the bay. The landing gears connect with the asphalt and I smile briefly, home at last. I jump out of the fighter and wave away the droids.

"Mam, you need medical attention." A tinny voice states. I glance down at my missing hand and nod, before I pass out, from pain and emotion.

All I know now is darkness, and pain. It feels like hours before the pain suddenly ceases. I open my eyes and find the sterile white of the resistance infirmary. I can feel nothing beneath my forearm on my left hand.

"Layla, you're awake." A familiar voice sighs.

"Dad?" I whisper. I feel a warm hand on my right arm. I sit up and see my dad's weather beaten face.

"Laila, what happened?" He asks. The memories flood back, the boy I thought I knew was a murderer.

"Ben, he killed everyone except Luke. I tried to stop him, but he cut off my hand and would have killed me if I hadn't taken his lightsaber and flown away." I explain. He smiles, a sad smile.

"When we found you you where lying in a pool of your own blood. Your left hand was gone all the way up to mid wrist. White as a sheet." He mutters. Suddenly his comlink beeps and he looks at the message.

"Leia wants me, I'll come back when I'm done." He explains before walking away. I sink back into the pillow and try not to think of Ben. I small pain in my left hand helps. I look down at where it should be. In it's place is a beautiful robotic hand. The wires are covered by black and silver plating. A small medical droid rolls over.

"Mam, can you feel this?" It asks as it pokes a long needle like finger into the back of the hand.

"Ow." I yelp, as a feel a sharp pinch.

"Very good, you are regaining feeling in the synthetic nerve tissue." It explains.

"When can I leave?" I ask.

"In about two minutes you will be able to feel everything like normal." The droid answers.

"Can I leave now?" I ask impatiently.

"I suppose, but if anything happens with your new hand, come and tell me." It says before wheeling away. I slowly stand up and walk out of the infirmary. I walk down the familiar halls of the place I used to live. My walk takes me to my old room, the door slides open and I walk in to find the room exactly the same as when I left it.

A small bed with simple black covers, a small wooden dresser, a bathroom, and two chairs next to a window looking out over the resistance control center. I walk over to the dresser and pull out simple black pants, a white shirt and a dark grey vest. I pull off my robes and throw them into the trash compactor shoot but not before grabbing the blue kyber crystal. I pull on the new clothes and find a pair of black boots. Once changed I remember the lightsaber I took from Ben. I walk out of the room and back to the hangar I landed in. I see my beautiful ship and a thin trail of blood to a stain on the floor. I walk up the the ladder and climb up it. The controls are covered in blood, my own blood. That's when I see it the silver handle of the lightsaber that Ben used to use. I pick it up and attach it to my belt next to my lightsaber and blaster. You can never be to careful can you.

My comlink beeps and I look down at the screen.

Layla you are needed in the control center.

-Stark Sentinel

I turn it off and reattach it to my belt. I then set off towards to control center. Once I arrive I see a table full of important resistance members. Leia is at the head with my father on her right and Po Dameron on her left. There is an empty seat next to Po, a friend from before I left to train as a Jedi. We were pilots together. I sit down and place my hands on the table. People stare at the metal.

"Hello Layla." Leia welcomes. I nod and smile.

"We have some important information to talk about." She says starting the meeting.

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