What Kind of Name is Kylo Ren?

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As the meeting drew to a close Leia's attention turned to me.

"Layla, you completed your Jedi testing right?" She asks.

"Yeah, why?" I ask curious.

"Well, since we don't know when Luke will return we need a Jedi Master on the Resistance council." She explains.

"You want me to be on the council?" I ask incredulously.

"Yes, do you accept?" She asks.

"Of course." I reply.

"Then this meeting is officially over." She finishes. Everybody gets up and leaves. I walk out of the room and Poe catches up with me.

"Hey, long time no see." He says nudging me with his elbow. I smile and look up at him.

"You just missed having a pilot as good as you to train with." I smirk. He grins and throws his arm around my shoulder.

(I am going to skip to where Laila finds out about Ben's new name and then when she and Poe go to Jakku to get to piece of the map to Luke.)

"Ms. Sentient." I small green alien says timidly.

"Yes?" I reply.

"There is a council meeting." He says before scurrying off. My Jedi reputation has changed many peoples ideas about me. I walk into the meeting and sit down next to Poe.

"We have some new information about the first order." Leia starts.

"Ben Solo, my son has become a user of the dark side and has changed in many ways. One he is the the leader of most of the Order, and two," Leila says looking at me. "He wears a mask that distorts his voice and calls himself Kylo Ren." I let the thought sink in, Ben has left his past behind and has dropped all ties to me and his family. I run my hand through my hair and nod.

"Another matter to attend to is the map to Luke. We think we know where one piece of it is." Leia begins. Leia has everybody's undivided attention.

"It is on Jakku with Lor San Tekka." She explains.

"I'll go." Poe says interrupting Leia.

"Yes, you and Layla." Leia says. The meeting continues with information about Jakku and what we have to do. As soon as it finished Poe and I walk off to get ready to leave in an hour.

Once in my room I pull on some black pants with a ling sleeve black shirt. Over this I pull on a black jedi cloak. I finish my clipping both Ben and I's lightsabers to my belt. I walk out the door to the hangar. Poe is already there, his x-wing next to mine. Both newly washed and refilled, so that everything is in perfect order to go.

"You ready?" I ask with a smirk

"Only if you are "Master"." Poe retorts. We climb into our ships and I put in a small silver headset with a mouthpiece to talk to Poe on the journey.

"Lets go." I hear Poe's voice crackle through the radio.

"Yep." I say pulling up on the controls and flying out of the hangar. As soon as I leave the hangar I start the calculations for the jump to Jakku.

"On my count." I say as soon as the calculations are done.

"Yep." Is all Poe says.

"5,4,3,2,1." I say and a push the button while the stars start to blur together.

Soon the stars return to normal and I see the large dust colored planet looming in front of us.

"We land a little outside of the village." I order.

"Alright." Poe replies. We land behind some small sand dunes. I climb out and watch as Poe lowers his trusty droid BB-8.

"Let's do this." I say walking towards the village. I pull the cloak around me to hind my sabers. We walk to the hut where Lor San Tekka is supposed to be living.

"I have been expecting you." He says as we walk in.

"I'll keep watch." I say before walking out of the tent. I sit peacefully on a sand dune looking out over Jakku for a while until I hear BB-8's urgent beeps.

"Stormtroopers!" I confirm. I get up and run towards to small hut.

"We've got company!" I say as I enter the tent.

"You have to hide." Poe tells Tekka.

"You have to leave." He counters.

"Come on BB-8, hurry." I say as I run out dragging Poe behind me.

Suddenly stormtroopers flood the village.

"Get to the x-wings." I yell running full tilt.

"There." The tinny voice of a stormtrooper says. Blasts land all around us, blowing sand into the sky making my eyes water and lungs burn. I reach the x-wing first and begin to climb before I see Poe on the ground giving something to BB-8. I climb back down.

"Poe, we have to go." I yell pulling him up.

"No, those villagers are innocent." He says pulling out a blaster. I groan but follow him. He shoots down stormtrooper after stormtrooper, while I deflect their blasts away from innocent people. Suddenly the sound of an engine can be heard over the battle. I look up to see a command shuttle. This can't be good.

"Poe we need to leave." I whisper in his ear.

"No." He replies. Suddenly a ramp lowers from the ship and more troopers pour out. Followed by Phasma the silver commander stormtrooper. Lastly a figure clad in black walks out. I know who it is immediately. Ben.

He walks over to two troopers holding Tekka, we are to far to hear what is going on until a roar of energy cuts through the silence and a blazing red beam of light cuts through the air. Two smaller blades make the saber into a kind of broadsword. It is a wicked looking weapon. Before I can react it cuts through Tekka and he falls. Poe roars and runs our from our cover, he fires a blast at Ben's head. The beam freezes in mid air, as does Poe. I suppress my anger and try to come up with a plan.

Two stormtrooper drag Poe over to Ben. I still can't hear what they are talking about, but they must have come to an agreement because the troopers drag Poe into the ship. Ben follows. Then without warning the stormtroopers kill all the remaining villagers. The realization hits me I just let them take Poe. I wait until the ships have vanished into the night before getting into my x-wing and I fly off looking down at BB-8's track. I have to find him, I know Poe gave him the map. I must bring him back to the resistance.

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