The Final Day of Training

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I woke up the same way I do every day on my stomach, drooling into the pillow. Yeah, not very Jedi of me. The shrill beep of the service droid jolts me from a dream about ewoks and candy. I sit up and walk over to my closet. The door swings inward as I push it and I run my hand over various robes. I choose a simple black one and slide it over my head (Just picture one similar to Anakin's) I walk over to my bedside tale and pull the drawer open. Inside is one single item, my lightsaber. The handle is black metal with gold accents. I pull it out and clip it to my belt. I walk out into the main building and head towards the cafeteria.

On my way there I run into Ben.

"Hey, Ben!" I call out as I see him walking a little ways in front of me.

"Oh, hey Layla." He says. He doesn't sound the same, he seems kind of troubled. I shrug and blame stress, after all today is the day we test to become the first two new Jedi masters. As the oldest we have completed the training first.

"You excited about today?" I ask. He shrugs. Ben and I met the first day of training, we immediately had a bond, as Han Solo's son and Stark Sentinel's daughter.

"Well I'm going first so you don't need to worry yet." I say trying to reassure him. He just nods. This is not the Ben Solo I know, usually he would be joking around teasing me, just like his lovable father.

We reached the cafeteria, and I walk over to the self serve buffet. I grab a plate and pile it full of random foods. I walk back over to the table nearest the door and sit down, Ben soon joins me with a bowl of oatmeal. We eat in silence as the weight of the situation dawns on me. Finally I finish, get up, walking out the door.  I reach the room where we are to compete our training ten minutes early. The room is empty. I pace around the circular room and try not to the nerves get to me. The room in itself is foreboding, rows of chairs rise up around me like a theater so that I will be visible for all to see. The flat "stage" that I am on is about 50 feet all around.

The door slides open with a hiss and I see Ben enter. I walk slowly over to him and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Ben, what is wrong?" I ask.

" Layla, you need to leave, either now or after your test." He says with a sense of urgency in his voice.
"Why?" I ask worried.

"Because if you stay you will die!" He says voice raised slightly.

"Then you come with me." I tell him.

"I can't, there is something I must attend to." He replies.

"Will I ever see you again?" I ask.

"I don't think so." He replies. I pull him into a hug and he catches my lips with his. I am taken by surprise before returning the kiss. He then pulls away.

"I take it you feel the same." He states calmly.

"I suppose, yeah." I reply, a small grin spreading across my face. The hiss of the door is what pulls us apart, for we were still in each other's arms.

"Well, we will begin in two minutes." Luke's says as he enters. The other padawans shuffle in behind him, I take them all in, their ages vary from 6 to 20. Ben and I are 27 years old .

"Yes master." I reply walking over to the front row of seats and sitting down.

"We will begin now." Luke says walking to the center of the room.

"The test will contain two parts. One on the ways of the force. The other on your lightsaber skills." He continues.

"Layla Sentinel. You will test first." Luke finishes. I stand up and walk over to him in the center of the room.

"The first test will seem simple, you must use the force to bring your ship here to this room." He states. I gasp, that's nearly impossible. I steel myself for the task ahead and close my eyes. I focus on my x-wing fighter, I imagine every detail of the black ship. The dents and decals, the cockpit, the droid compartment, everything. I feel the strain grow in my mind and feel the movement, I drop to my knees and will the ship to come. I hear the creak and groan of moving metal and then the ship is dropping slowly down through the open roof. With a shudder the landing pads make contact with the glossy floor of the building and I let go panting and sweaty.

"Very well done." Luke comments.

"Next, we will test your skill with the lightsaber. You will fight me for ten or more minutes, if you last longer you pass and become a Jedi Master." Luke explains. Ten minutes against Luke, almost imposable. I've seen him cut down many enemies in less than one.

"On my count... Begin." Luke commands. I open the saber and take a defensive stance. Lukes' hisses open and I concentrate on his movements. His attack is quick and well executed and I block it with ease. He swings again and I block. We continue like this until I decide to try offense. I fake to the right before swinging at his head. He blocks it gracefully. We continue back and forth for what seems like ages until he ducks under my guard grabbing my lightsaber from my hand.

"Well done." He says.

"You are officially the first new Jedi master." He smiles handing me a small dark green crystal.

"This is called a Kyber Crystal, it is what gives a lightsaber the color and sometimes it gives the user special powers when wielded. This one for example can give you agility, stealth, and speed." He explains. I grin.

"You must remove your old crystal and replace this one. One false move could blow us all sky high, so steady hands. Let the force flow through you to ensure you are steady and safe." He then pointed to a small panel on the side of the saber. I slide it open with a hiss and a small jet of steam. The blue crystal pulses gently inside. I slowly put my fingers through and pick up the stone. It is hot to the touch. I slip it into my pocket and pick up the green one. I hold it with the tips of my fingers and carefully slide it into the slot where the other crystal used to rest.

I slide the hatch closed and switch on the lightsaber. The beam erupts from the handle, a deep green. Almost the color of pine. I swish it around before I close it and head back to my seat next to Ben.

"Leave now." He whispers.

"No, I want to see your training complete." I whisper back.

"Fine, but I warned you." He mutters back before walking over to Luke.

"Ben." Is all Luke can say before all hell breaks loose.

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