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Hello, my name is Taylor, I'm 15, and I identify as panromantic, asexual, and questions my gender identity.
I use any pronouns, but am most comfortable with she, her or they, them
I'm guessing that's a good way to introduce myself. Right?
Well you already know what this book is about so I won't tell you that, but I will start with tell you some terms I will mention through out this book.

First off lgbtq+. I use the full length version just because it includes what I identify as. So lgbtq stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual,transgender, and then queer or questioning.
Now a quick rundown of each of those words:
Lesbians: girls who are attracted sexually and/or romantically to other girls
Gay: sexual and/or romantic attraction to those of the same gender liking those of the same gender, though it is more commonly used by men
Bisexual: sexual and/or romantic attraction those of two genders, ex. Male and Female
Transgender: a feeling of miscommunication between the assigned sex in appearance versus their sexual identity in their head
Queer: homosexual, any sexuality other than heterosexual. i.e. Pan, asexual, etc.
Questioning: when you aren't certain about your sexuality.
These are the main sexualities/things that you think of when thinking about homosexuals and if someone is homo, they normally identify as one or more of the terms above, but now let's get into some of the other less known sexualities (I will add helpful links to a glossary of other words that might be used some times):
Homosexual: those attracted to people of their own sex
Pansexual: a sexual attraction to all people/sexualities regardless of gender. Looking past appearance and focusing on personality. Pan= All
Panromantic: a romantic attraction to all people regardless of gender. Looking past appearance and focusing on personality.
Polysexual: a sexual attraction to more than one gender, but do not want to be known as bisexual because that is limited to two genders, and not to be confused with pansexual. Pol= Many
Polyromantic: a romantic attraction to more than one gender, etc.
Asexual: without sexual feelings towards anyone.
Cisgender: those of who live their lives as the genders as the one assigned to them at birth.
The last term I'm going to mention is Ally. An ally for the lgbtq community is someone who is attracted to the opposite gender, who supports the rights and ideas of the lgbtq community, who believe members of this community are at disadvantages in some way or another.

More sites for definitions of other things related to the topic of lgbtq+:

So let me know if these terms helped and yeah, I'll talk to you guys soon.

Confessions of a panromantic/asexual/anxiety ridden human beingWhere stories live. Discover now