Coming out as Pan

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So recently I have come out to a few of my friends and it didn't go as plan for most of them.
The first one just pretty much told me that Pan doesn't exist and that I've only dated one person and that was a guy so I must be straight and must just be confused. That stung, and now she hasn't talked to me since.

The second one made the most known joke of 'so you're attracted to pans like you use in the kitchen?' And I explained it to him and he just started going on about how it's so weird he had a bi friend. And he couldn't get it through his brain that I was Pan not bi, but I think he might eventually get it but not for a while.

Now this last one was pretty much the opposite reaction of those above. After I told her, she attacked me in a hug and then carried on like it was nothing, which is probably the best reaction to me coming out that I've ever gotten.

So really most of the times I've come out its been somewhere around the third answer but I've had my fair share of the others as well. Pan is definitely a weird sexuality to come out as, but it definitely has its upsides.

This is just a quick update and I might update with a rant later tonight or tomorrow as well, but you never know.

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