Sorry its been a while :/

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"Jeffrey! That was so cute but everyone in the park was looking at me" I exclaimed, my face still red with embarrassment.
"Maddie...that was the point, for everyone to see you, and know that you're mine. That no one can take me from you. Because if they do...they will get it! I will fight for you to be mine." He begins to shout.
"Jeffrey calm down. It's okay. You're not going to loose me nor am I going to leave you for anyone else. If I can't be with you... What's the point?" I said looking into his eyes.
"It's almost dinner time...we should start to walk back home. Or to your house at least." He said standing up slowly.
"Yeah let's get going." I said as I followed.
The walk was only a few blocks. A good 20 minute walk, but those 20 minutes flew by like they were nothing. Whenever I'm with Jeffrey time just flies by. It's amazing how 20 minutes turn into a second.
As soon as I knew it, we were at my house. I walk in with Jeffrey behind me. We make our way to the kitchen where my mom was making dinner.
"Hi mom, we're back." I said hugging my mom.
"Hi baby! How was your date?" She said looking at Jeffrey.
"It was good I took her to the park, we had a lot of fun." He said smiling. 

Sorry I haven't been on in a really long time, but I'm back!! Also, sorry it's short, I just wanted to get something out there as soon as I could.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2016 ⏰

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