epilogue; part one

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get away with me🌟

Subtle shakes and light kisses
as he tries to wake me up
from the deep sleep that
I thought it was my last.

He calls my name in the
chilly night and my eyes
flutters open to see the
stars that shine bright tonight.

My arms wrap around him
and a look of confusion is
drawn on my face as he
smiles at me lovingly.

He whispers a hello and
I can see the waiting tears
in his eyes as if he thought
he wouldn't see me anymore.

I kissed him to soothe his pain
as words in his, our native tongue
float from his delightful mouth
and onto my neck with lustful

It doesn't matter what they say
Let's go do it anyway

He always wanted us to get
married since the day we met
on the sweet, spring day in
his hometown, Guadalajara.

We were only eight with
toothless grins and only
had a naïve understanding
of the huge world we lived in.

But, I was always scared of
the thought of being loved
by someone so long and
that someone so beautiful
as him would even like me
was terrifying, honestly.

Finally, my heart was ready.

It felt like we were already
married for eternity
and was bind together in this
wonderful love of ours.

'Cause you have an undying kind of love

He gently drawled me out
of our bed and carried me
to the bathroom where
he would care for me
and made sure I was
still here to be loved.

He's so beautiful.

I slip on my favorite dress,
it's yellow as the bright
sunflowers that sits in
every room in this house.

Yellow as his twinkling stars.

White was too plain
for me and the bright
yellow was his absolute

I want to make him happy
as long as I can, to repay him
for just being in my broken life .

He brushes my wild hair
in soothing strokes and
I began to feel beautiful
as the sunlight peeks
in between the white blinds.

Soon, he's dressed in his
finest clothes and his
smiling face reminds me
of a time, when we was younger
and we were getting ready for
the first day of school.

Sure, the memory is here
and dances in my mind
while I tightly close my
eyes to hold on to it.

But, it just floats away
with me, desperately
running after it
and it seems to laugh
at me while I do.

It's gone and who knows
when it will ever come back.

My hand falls into his after
I give up on those precious
memories and a small
smile fall upon my lips.

You can be mine, I'll be yours, c'mon baby


one more part left ^.^

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