epilogue; part two

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yellow matrimony 🌟

We stood together
hand and hand in holy
matrimony underneath
a white archway of the
nearby courthouse.

The archway had yellow
sunflowers entangled with
it and we both smiled
at each other;
I was in heaven.

We were both trying to
hold each other as if
our knees would buckle
any minute from nervousness
as the judge recited carefully
in front of us.

My soulmate's eyes glowed
with brown happiness and
I could tell he couldn't contain
it as the yellow happiness
radiated in that courtroom.

I held my focus on him
and only him as the judge
went on and on.

I laid my head on his shoulder
and we stared at each other for
like it seemed forever.

I felt myself falling into
his starry eyes and I
counted each little glowing
star as they went by.

One million, one million and one.

He said 'I do' and I repeated
the same sacred words as
he held me closer to him.

You may now kiss the bride.

We smiled quickly at each
other before I sneaked a
small kiss upon his soft lips
and he chuckled to himself.

His lips were sweet
and his laughter was sweeter
than pan dulce in the warm spring.

Eager now, chiquita?

I only nodded with a cheesy
smile and he kissed me back
with his yellow happiness that was mixed in with our red passion.

I love him, oh and my
starry eyed lover loves me so.

I love you, Javier. You are my gift from God and thank you for always being with me, amor.

I kissed and kissed him as
he carried me out of the courtroom
while a huge smile of his
lovely face.

His stars shines brighter than
the becoming sun and I
thank the lord again for him after
every kiss on his face and neck.

I was his and he was mine, my forever starry eyed lover.

I love you too, Solana. You are my beginning and last; tú es mi amor para siempre.


i think I'll end it here. so, thank you so much for reading and supporting this book and my poetry!!! it all means a lot to me

What did you think of it?

ily and stay awesome!

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