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The wind blows through my light sundress as I look up at the pink clouds, which seem to hug the twilight sky. I take a deep breath, letting the cool, evening air fill my lungs. I never thought that it was possible to feel joy, horror, and excitement at the same time. That is, until now.

Tomorrow is my sixteenth birthday, and that means a lot in werewolf culture. The day you turn sixteen is the day that you connect with your inner wolf. That means shifting for the first time. I can't wait to find out what colour of fur my wolf has. Though both my mother and older sister all had brown wolves, I am wishing for something different, though it's very unlikely to happen.

"Hey," mumbles my sister, Thalia, from inside the house. I turn around, looking her in her dark, brown eyes. She leans against the sliding glass door with her arms crossed over her chest. "How are you?"

"Horrified," I reply with a shaky laugh, running my hand through my thick, disheveled hair.

"Alright, sit down," she laughs, motioning towards the small, wooden bench that sits peacefully on the porch. I obey, taking a seat and crossing my legs in front of me. I lean my back against the brown cushion by the arm of the chair. I rub my temples, feeling the stress build up inside of me. Thalia sits beside me, folding her hands over her lap. "You have nothing to worry about, Aggie," she starts.

"Well, what if something goes wrong?" I whimper. "I can't stop worrying!" Feeling tears building up in my eyes, I cover my face in my hands. I still don't know why that happens. Whenever I get frustrated or stressed to a point, I'll break down in tears. And it's the most annoying thing ever. Thalia takes my wrists, pulling my hands away from my head, and puts them gently onto my lap.

"You have nothing to worry about," she repeats with more emphasis, still holding my hands tightly. "Now, what I want you to do is take a deep breath."

I suck in a mountain of air, exhaling shakily. I look at my sister for confirmation.

"Slower," she tells me with a soft smile. I take a breath again, calmly this time. Finally, my heart isn't beating so fast, and my mind has calmed itself.

"Were you scared?" I ask quietly, looking up at her. "For your sixteenth?"

"No; I was mortified," she laughs, smiling at me.

We stay like that for about another hour, just chatting about anything; boys, and girls, in my case, and our equally miserable love lives. We talk until the sun has hidden beneath the horizon, and the sky has filled itself with stars. The moon lights up the night with a luminous glow.

"I'm going off to bed, and you should, too," Thalia yawns, giving me a soft pat on the back as she steps towards the door. "You've got a big day tomorrow. Get some rest." I smile as she steps back into the house, sliding the screen door shut behind her.

I look down at my trembling hands and sigh. Pull yourself together, Agara, I tell myself. I stand up, slinking off to bed. I shut the door behind me, making sure to lock it. I yawn, placing the back of my hand over my mouth, and climb up the stairs of the pack house. I hold the stair railing for dear life, exhaustion settling in. I push open my door, sighing in relief when my wandering eyes find their way to my bed.

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