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Five weeks later...

I'm starved, thirsty, tired. I've lost weight, from both the poor meals they've served and all the times they didn't serve us at all. I feel weak, and I know I am. I wonder what Alpha plans to do with me, or if he evens plans to do anything at all.

Kenna and I have begun to bond, in some way. She's opened up to me about her life, despite how much I refuse to share my own. I fear that she will judge or lose trust in me. She tells of her family, who live deep into the forest in a small group, though not a Pack. Her mother and father, her grandmother, and her brothers. She's a middle child, each sibling separated by two years.

She plans to escape, though I see no way of it being done. Kenna has repeatedly told me that her brothers will come for her, but the feat seems nearly impossible. Northblood's security is far too high for two young rogues to slip under the radar.

I know that perhaps there is another way. It crosses my mind everytime that Kenna speaks of escaping. We don't need an outsider to free us, but someone already here. Someone I can trust, who I can rely on. Thalia, my sister.

"Kenna, they'd never be able to get inside, if they were to get past the patrols," I tell her. She shakes her head quickly, pulling her knees in front of her chest.

"They're coming."

"If you say so," I reply, unfazed. It is just to dream, but her expectations are unrealistic. She has too much hope in these brothers of hers, but I fear that she'll break if she's let down. I can tell how family-oriented she is and how much she cares for them. I see it in the way her face lights up when she talks to me about them, and when the thought of them even crosses her mind.

"We're going to get out of here, Agara. Both of us, together," Kenna tells me, staring into my eyes. Her eyes are invasive and peer into me, seeking my belief in her.

A loud slam sounds at the entrance of the prison. I know that it isn't time for a meal yet, as we were fed a few hours ago. Our small, empty, metal trays sit on the floor by the cell's door to be picked up. They're always picked up when we are asleep, at night I suppose. Heavy footsteps make their way down the hall and towards us. I crawl towards the cage's front, pressing my face against the bars to see who is coming.

My breath hitches when I see my Alpha, along with two guards, marching down the hallway. I scurry back, and mouth 'Alpha' to Kenna, who freezes. I haven't seen him since I was thrown in here many meals ago. I pray, plea, and beg that he passes us, leaving us alone. I squeeze my eyes shut, my heart beating out of my chest. The footsteps are near, and then they stop. My eyes slowly open to reveal him standing in front of our cell, towering down like a giant over us.

"Open it," his voice rumbles. My hands have already begun to sweat, and I'm frozen in place, too afraid to move, or afraid of what he will do if I do move. One guard opens it with the ring of keys, leaving them dangling there as it swings open slowly. The Alpha takes a step inside. I can clearly feel the power and strength radiating off of him like he's a sun, a god, even. He eyes me up and down, scowling, expecting both Kenna and I to bow our heads in respect. I see no good leader before me, and I will never bow to him. My body stays erect as I find the courage to speak.

"What do you want with me," I growl, trying my best to control my quivering voice. "Why are you holding me here-"

"I'm not here for you, Agara," he speaks, in a low voice. He sends shivers up my spine as he speaks my name. I can see Kenna in my peripheral vision looking at me strangely, most likely wondering how this Alpha knows my own name. I have yet to reveal to her that Northblood is my home Pack, and that I grew up under its roofs. "I'm here for her." His gaze turns to Kenna, small in his presence. "I have some questions."

The guards move around him and into the cell. Kenna crawls back, trying to get away from these men. Her back hits the wall and screams for them to leave her. They continue, grabbing her under her arms and lifting her into the air. My mind flashes back to my capture as she kicks and flails her legs, attempting to break loose. I freeze, unable to move myself, to stop them from doing her harm.

"Stop! Let me go! Agara, Agara!" Kenna cries for me. She locks eyes with me as they drag her out with tears beginning to roll down her face. She screeches for them to put her down but they ignore her. She leaves my line of vision and I feel empty. My Alpha stands still, never moving. He keeps his gaze on me for a few moments, before speaking in a menacing tone.

"Don't fret, Agara. I have plans for you. You're here for a reason, and it will all be revealed in due time." His words send a shiver down my spine, and I suddenly feel anger among my fears. I see his face and I see all of the torment I've gone through in the past days. He opens his mouth like he's going to say something, then closes it again, to think. "You're special."

"Why? Why me?" I say calmy, my confidence returning to me. He turns, taking a step outside of the cage. Though he doesn't completely ignore my questions, he doesn't give me a straight answer.

"You're going to help me strengthen this Pack, the Alliance. You're the key." He takes a moment to eye the other cells along the wall, expecting me to stay on the ground. Though my Alpha is frightening and strong, his intelligence is lacking.

Without making any noise, I hoist myself up onto my feet, slowly, feeling sore all over. "And what if I refuse?" I ask. I take one step, dragging my foot behind me. I try my very best to stay in silence.

"Agara, dear, did you really think that it was a choice?" He replies, tilting his head to the side. He starts to turn back around, and I quickly lunge forwards, my fists connecting with his chest. With my attack unexpected, he is thrown forward, and hits his head on the large cement wall. I hear a thud before his unconscious body hits the floor. I stare at him, below me, a small pool of fresh blood beginning to spread under his head, onto the stone floor. I slowly kneel beside him and move my index and middle finger to the side of his neck, not sure if I want to hear a pulse or not. I feel it on my fingers and jump up. I grab the ring of keys, jiggling it before it comes out, and begin running for the door. When he wakes up, I need to be far away.

I sprint, making my way down the hall, my bare feet smacking the stone beneath me. I can see the end; stairs leading the a giant door. I race upwards, pushing the door open. I'm almost instantly blinded by the light, and pause for a few seconds, placing my hand along my brow like a visor. The moment my vision readjusts, I'm off again, sprinting for the edge of the woods.

I'm a few metres within the dense trees when I hear a branch snap and freeze in my tracks. My heart beats quickly, my nerves on edge. I sniff, unable to detect a scent. Another snap sounds, closer this time, and I take no time diving behind a tree. I move my head around the trunk, looking for movement. From a bush, Kenna emerges, stumbling slowly back towards the prison. Her eyes are wide and she is in shock. I wait, making sure that she is alone.

"It's just me, Aggie," she mumbles, knowing my scent. I slowly rise, walking around the tree and towards her. Her lip is quivering, and her cheeks are stained with tears. I move my gaze down to the body, her shirt is visibly ripped around her chest region and her shorts around her crotch. One hand is wrapped over her breasts, covering herself, and her hands are red, covered in blood. She shivers, staring at me with fear. I have an idea of what has happened, though I know I shouldn't ask. "Aggie..." she calls softly, her voice quiet and scared.

"We have to leave," I tell her while walking towards her slowly. I put my hand out, beckoning for her to take it. "Now, while the Alpha is still unconscious." When she doesn't take my hand and only stares at the floor, I tell her, "Listen, I know that you're in shock right now and that you're suffering from trauma, but I also know that  we are not safe. Now, when we get somewhere safe, you can cry, you can scream, you can sit in a corner alone, you can do whatever you need to do. But we need to get out of here. Right. Now." Her eyes move back to me, and she takes a deep, shaky breath. She nods, taking my hand. We run, away from the prison, away from Northblood, together.

Thanks for reading this chapter!

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