The New Job

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Rose's POV

  "I'm due back in the library tomorrow." Scarlet told us.

  "And?" Austin asked a bit annoyed at her random comment.  

"AND," she said with so much attitude everyone laughed accept Austin and Scar, "she's been to every 'story circle' that hell hole does. She talks a lot." 

  "You could've said that before." Austin grumbled.  

"You could shut your trap and let me finish talking.' she snapped  

Austin was about to make another comment but he made the right decision and 'shut his trap' because we all know that it's hard to win a fight with Scar.  

"Anyways," Karter said after Scarlet sat back and crossed her arms with a huge smirk on her face, "What are gonna do, go up to her and tell her she's magical?"  

"You'd be surprised what kids believe these days." she replied calmly  

"Well you can't just tell that stuff in the library." Jack pointed out.  

"True, but who knows they might need a babysitter." she said taking a sip from her Sprite.

  "What do you mean?" I asked, now concerned where she was going with this.  

"I mean, Rose has a babysitting job." she said with a grin while putting her arm around my shoulder.

  I shrugged her arm off,"What? NO Scar I can't be a babysitter!" I complained.  

"Don't worry I'll come over and help with the brat," she reassured, "Besides you always said you liked kids."  

"What will I do with you Scarlet Davis?" I asked more to myself while putting my face in my hands.   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  

Scarlet's POV

  "Good afternoon!" I greeted Mrs.P. She looked up from her work and sighed when she saw it was me.  

"You're reading to the kids again, Ms.Davis." she said pointing to the carpet with a group of kids on it.My heart raced a little when I saw the blond little girl walking away from her parents that I recognized from lunch yesterday.  

I glanced at the clock on the wall above Ms.P's watch and saw that I have a little less that 10 minutes until I have to start reading. I causually walkled over to her parents with a smile on my face. When the saw me coming they looked a bit confused but still smiled back.

  "Hi," I said trying to sound as sweet as I possibly could, "I'm Scarlet Davis." I said, extending my hand, which the both took and shook.

  "Hello Scarlet." said the blonde kid's mom. She looked at me as if asking if I had any particular reason for talking to them.  

"I've been going around asking parents if they needed a babysitter," I'm an expert liar, and I figured it would be creepy if I said I only wanted to watch their kid and nobody elses, "I have a friend who watches kids a lot and I usually help out. We make a pretty good team and we both really like kids." that last part was a total lie, Rose likes kids, I strongly dislike them.  

"Well we kind of have a babysitter and we also like to get to know our babysitters." said the blonde's dad. Damn it!   I tried not to look as pissed of as I felt, "Well," I said with a forced smile, " If you ever need back up here's both of our phone numbers." I handed him a small card that Karter insisted looked 'profesional'.

  They smiled and took the card, "We'll call if we ever need you." said the brat's mom.   I thanked them and saw that it was time for me start reading to the monsters. Fun...


Rose's POV  

"I knew I wouldn't work." I muttered walking to the cafe with Scar.  

"You mean you hoped it wouldn't work." passing me one of her headphones.  

"Whatever." I mumbled as We the Kings started playing.  

"They didn't officially say no, they said if they needed us they would call," just then her phone started ringing.

"Hello? Oh hi Mrs.Cortese. Yeah I'm pretty sure we can. I'll call you back as soon as I'm 100% sure we can go. OK thank you. You too, bye." when she hung up shelooked surprised and happy. This can't be good.

"That was the brat's mom, she said that their babysitter broke her leg and-"

"Scarlet what did you do?" I asked concerned, because let's face it, right when we need to babysit the 'brat' their babysitter breaks a leg?

"I swear I didn't do anything." she put her hands up in deffense, "How do you feel about tomorrow? They have some across town and need a sitter." 

"My parents said I can't go anywhere while their on the buisness trip, and I know Eliot is gonna tell." I grumbled thinking of my older brother.

"I'll take care of it." she siged and walked into the Cafe while I continues my useless attemps to talk her out of my new 'job'.


So I uploaded a picture of Rose>>>>>>>>>>>>

I know i suck at uploading but I was actually gonna upload this a few days ago but then half of it got deleted... I was mad...  vote and comment and I'll love you forever :* <3

ALSO u guys should read CCfuncat's stories she has rlly good stories so yea :)

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