Into the Night

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We all decided to go to Karter's house and spend the night.

"Rose and I are just gonna go grab some clothes from my place." I told the guys, grabbing Rose's hand and leading her up my drive way through the back door.

"Kay!" they said in unison and they kept walking until they got to Karter's house next door.

One we were in my room I started grabbing clothes and chucking them at Rose who shoved them in our bags.

"By what time do we have to be ready?"

"It happens around 8:32, so we still have a few hours." she answered.

We walked nextdoor to Karter's house and settled down on the couch next to eachother. Rose and I spend a lot of time together and hang out together almost everyday and tell eachother everything, probably because we're the only two girls in our little group. We do most of the gossiping while the boys discuss last nights football game.

"Im ordering pizza, do guys all want the usual?" Austin asked dialling in the pizza number. "Yea." we all answered and he started tellig the guys on the other line what we wanted. "One plain, two pepperoni, two sausage, three olive and brocoli, and one Hawian, oh and five Sprites. K thanks," he hung up and looked at us, "You guys got any cash?" we all sighed and took out out wallets. We each gave some money to pay for the food.

About 15 minutes went by until we got our pizza. Rose and I were discussing tonight, While the boys were watching the football game.


"Guys it's almost time!" I called to the boys from up the stairs before I walked back into Karter's room. For a guy he was pretty neat, unlike the twins here u couldnt even the floor to the room they share.

They ran up a few seconds later they ran up. Although we knew the routine and do this once a month on a full moon, were nervous each and every time.

"Ready?" asked Jack not sounding too ready himself. We all nodded in respose the color draining from our faces as we joined hands and started mumbling in unision,

"Rialóirí an spéir agus damhsóirí an spéir, le chéile againn a iarraidh chun páirt a ghlacadh tú i do domhan le haghaidh a roghnaíodh againn chun taisteal idir ár saol agus mise."

The room had a light wind coming from the foor boards making Rose's hair fly around in its pony tail that she had put in while we were eating and my hair swish in my face.

The freckles on the twins's face started to glow, nine freckles on Jacks face made a shape like a person reaching out for another hand, on Austin's face there was another person, also reaching for a hand. The Gemini twins.

You could see a white form snaking its way up Karter's torso, it was shining bright through his black t-shirt. The shape was a dragon, visiouse claws, pointed wings and ears, and wide flared nostrils. Draco the Dragon.

Rose's birth mark started to glow as it took a shape that was clearly a wolf. Lupus the Wolf.

Finally there's the scar on my neck. Not most people are with scars, but I'm clearly not most people, neither are my four best friends. I felt the scar on my neck burn, I know exactly what it is and what it looks like.The Lynx.

We all closed our eyes, Rose and Karter squeezing my hand and I was squeezing back. The pain from our marks hurt... a lot. It's like being branded with an iron, we all grit our teeth and hold hands as hard as we can. Then it's gone, there's no pain and it's like were floating straight out of Karter's room and into the night air.

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