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Lee Nara

i slowly open my eyes, bundled up in this gigantic white blanket. i check the clock, realising it's 4am in the morning.

why am I awake? I could be sleeping, dammit.

i roll off the bed, not realising that the bed wasn't on the floor, like my old room. I landed with a thud onto the ground, pain going through me like a storm.

i hear footsteps rushing towards the bedroom i'm in as the door swung open.

'Nara what the hell happened?'

oh, it's wonwoo.

i slowly lifted my head from the ground, showing a little smile, stifling a giggle. His face shows utter confusion as i roll towards him wrapped in his white duvets.

Jeon Wonwoo

she looks like a fricking burrito. cute.

i widen my eyes as she rolls all the way towards my feet. continuously giggling, she uses her hands and knocks the back of my knees. because my balance is shit, i came tumbling down right onto her. i quickly lifted myself off her, our faces inches away from each other.

'wahhhh, wonnie you're handsome!' her cheeks flush red as she keeps giggling, avoiding eye contact. i blink staring at her intently.

her hazel eyes, rosy cheeks and luscious lips, i just want to k- wonwoo no.

i snap back to reality as i stare down at Nara to see her sleeping again, snoring lightly. i smile, picking her up bridal style and lightly placing her on the bed. as i exit the room i start washing up.

Lee Nara

i wake up to the sound of my phone vibrating on the side table.



my eyes widen as i attempt to escape my tightly wrapped blanket, to check if I have been somehow stripped of clothing. but I was still fully clothed and in wonwoo's room.

shit. wonwoo.

i pick up my phone again hearing this deep voice talking gibberish in a slurred voice.


i hung up the phone anger raging through me. As i just realised i'm in wonwoo's house. i stumble out of his room, nearly tripping on air. i go towards the kitchen where i see him cooking ramen.

'you looked like you knew how to cook. i guess you don't' he turns around and glares at me.

'can't blame me, i burn toast.'

i start giggling as he brings the bowls of ramen to the couch in the living room. for an apartment, it's quite spacious. i sit down next to him, as he had looked at me expecting me to sit only a few inches away from him. our arms brush against each other as the air fills with the smell of cup noodles and the sound of slurping. he looks at me, widening his eyes.

'wonwoo why are you staring at me?' he suddenly leans closer, until we're only a few inches apart. i gulp, avoiding eye contact. i suddenly feel him wipe the side of my mouth.

'you had a piece of ramen on your cheek.'

omg. i'm not okay.

in my mind everything is freaking out and wonwoo starts to look worried.


i quickly stand up after replying walking towards his room, my cheeks burning like a stove.

what does he think he's doing??

Jeon Wonwoo

she's so cute.

i chuckle as i threw away the cup for the noodles. i leave a note for Nara as I went out for a run.

Lee Nara

i sit on the bed, scared of facing wonwoo like that again. as i was in deep thought, my phone vibrated.

new message!

hey, i'm sorry about that call before. i was drunk and called the number a girl gave to me. i accidentally typed it in wrong. but ya know if you wanna hang out, just give me a call ;) - Kim Taehyung

i scoff, reading the message.

kim taehyung? you're a pervert. - Lee Nara

after i sent that message, i left the house to a nearby cafe since wonwoo wasn't home. when i entered the cafe, the aroma surrounded me as my mood lightened. there was only one man in the corner of the cafe, reading a book. i star a few seats away from him, curious as to what he was reading. he seemed to notice since he shifted in his seat a couple of times while i was staring at him. he cleared his throat which made me jump a bit.

'why are you staring at me?' i avoid his eyes as they were a beautiful hazel and green colour and he kept licking his lips. (A/N: mhm yes)

'i was curious at what you were reading. sorry.'

i quickly leave the seat near him to get a drink. a hand suddenly grasps my wrists and sits me back down.

'hey, why don't i pay for your drink? You stay here.'

he gets up to go to the counter, buying me a chai latte.

how did he know it was my favourite?? Omg.

he came back with the drink his rectangular smile shining brightly. i smile back saying a thank you. we talked for hours about the book and about our lives.

i checked the time and realised it's quite late in the afternoon. and i forgot about wonwoo again, dammit.

'it's getting really late, it was nice meeting you though! can i get your number so we can contact each other some time?'

'ah yeah sure!' he gives me his phone and as i type my number in, i realise that he already has my number. i press on the number, revealing the messages sent. my eyes widen when i realise who iwas talking to this whole time.

why does he sound like such a jerk texting though?? can i just like kms omg

'u-uh you already have my number...'

his eyes widen as he takes his phone to check. he looks up at me and points.

'you're the Lee Nara that called me a pervert??'



I'm sorry for taking such a long break!! I have really bad jet lag and school just started omg kmn. I also already have homework but that's okay bc i like English so LMAO

please vote and comment :) it makes my day ILY <3

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