The Car Ride

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when we all got tired we just ordered Dominos for dinner and ofc movie night after that! Mishty and Veeru were in the commerce stream, Ridhi and Abhi in Science and me and Adii in Arts.

unfortunately on fridays we all have classes at different timings, Mishty and Veeru in the morning, Ridhi and Abhi in the noon then me and Adii in the evening...

The next day i pretty much wasted my time by watching movies and by evening we left for class, and we got late, and Sir Karan asked us "hello, ladies! you're real early!" i spoke up "umm sorry sir!" he said "its okay, now go on, go sit..."

we quickly took our seats and the class was for 2 hours and a half, i had to admit the fact that this Karan dude made the class really interesting... after the class got dispersed, Aditi got a phone call and when she picked it up and cut the call she told me
"Sam im so sorry i gotta go"
i asked "what? where?"
she replied "my cousin's in the hospital"
i said "yaya okay please go, see you at home!"

i was standing outside the college gate thinking how to go home under the crazy rain, till a car showed up and someone asked "can i drop you?"
i could not see who it was so i went closer to the window and i said "ooh Karan sir!"

he asked again "need a lift?"
i nodded "no Sir thankyou"
but he said "i insist, and its a heavy rain, let me drop you, come!"
i said "okay!"

there was awkward silence for quite long... till he asked "so Samira tell me something about yourself!"
i said "umm haha... im 20 and single?"
he told "single not possible haha! no boyfriends?"
i told "i haven't found my prince charming yet sir!"

he said "Samira chill with the sir, this is not college!"
i said "i'll try sir"
and i added "if you dont mind can i ask how old are you?"
he said "im 27"
i asked "single?"
he replied "well, yes"
i said "ohh, but how?"
he replied "i haven't found my princess yet too"

then i spoke up "umm my house is here!" he said "okay!"
i got down and said "thankyou so much" he said "my pleasure"

then i quickly picked up my phone and whatsapped Aditi "HAHAHA THAT KARAN HOTTIE OUR TEACHER DROPPED ME HOME!" with a smirk emoji, she replied with a middle finger after a while and she told that she's gonna have to stay the whole night at the hospital...Ridhi and Mish both were asleep already so i had no other option than to sleep

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