Chapter 10

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The Inquisitor was the first one to make a move. He stepped forward and the man didn't even flinch. The inquisitor attempted to swing his blade at the man but the blade had stopped inches from the man's neck. The inquisitor was struggling to move his arm and dropped the saber just to free himself.

"Pathetic. This is the future of your sith empire? I expected better. Especially from you, Vader."

The man picked the Inquisitor up and threw him over his shoulder like a wet rag and moved towards Vader. He told Emilia to handle the Inquisitor while he took care of Vader. Vader quickly drew his saber and swung at the man as he walked towards him but the warrior simply dodged the dark lord's strikes.

"I'm surprised Vader. You're quite fast for an older fellow."

"What do you hope to achieve here? What's so important about freeing a few wookies."

"It stands as a symbol that the empire can be opposed."

The sith lord raised his arm and shattered the bridge seperating the warrior and Emilia. The warrior finally became serious. Vader had wondered if this Jedi opponent was actually a serious threat.

"Before I kill you, who are you?"

The man removed his temple guard mask and lowered his hood. Emilia couldn't see the man's face but what she did see shocked her: Oak brown hair. Vader nodded and the warrior put his mask and hood back on.

"I see. Somehow I knew something wasn't right about the reports."

"Did you really think that you could make the thorn in your side just disappear?"

The warrior finally drew his own saber. It was a dark initiate double bladed saber. As he removed it from his belt the saber flashed on revealing two blue and green blades. He then opened the hilt and put one kyber crystal into it and as he did both sides changed to yellow, the color of a Jedi sentinel.

"What is this some sort of sho..."

Vader was cut off by the warrior as he swung his blade so quickly at Vader that the sith nearly lost his head. In an instant they were clashing sabers destroying their surroundings. The Jedi couldn't seem to get passed Vader's defense while Vader was having trouble keeping up with the Jedi.

Emilia stood there as the Inquisitor stood up and picked up his saber. Emilia was the first to strike, slashing at the Inquisitor. The Inquisitor responded with a chain of strikes but his defense was easily broken by Emilia's strikes. The Inquisitor began to aimlessly swing trying to hit Emilia but there was no use. One swing. One swing and his head was gone. Emilia not showing any reaction to she had just done, quickly jumping to the other platform to go and help the Jedi that was fighting Vader.

The tides had turned. Vader was now attacking and the Jedi was defending. Vader was slow but his strikes were powerful and relentless. The Jedi had been fought to an edge. As they locked sabers Vader taunted the Jedi.

"The Jedi were weak and now you shall join them"

The Jedi jumped over Vader and gave him a rough kick causing the sith to fall off the edge. It wasn't over. The Jedi still sensed him. He prepared for the Sith Lord but he was caught off guard by Emilia.

"Emilia no."

He was just barely able to use the force to pull her from where she was standing. Vader had missed her by inches but he was able to throw the Jedi's blade away from him with the force.

"Now what Jedi?"

The Jedi looked at Vader and removed his mask and hood, throwing down the mask. With an angry voice he growled at the Sith Lord.

"I'm going to make you pay. Skywalker."

Vader froze and watched as the Jedi drew another blade: The blade of Darth Revan. Emilia, who had caught the Jedi's saber, was able to see his face this time. What she saw was the face of a young madalorian.

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