Chapter 2

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The ship soared leaving the planet behind it. Rohan activated the com unit on the ships controls.
"Phantom this is blue leader, requesting permission to board."
There was a pause and Covena looked out the window noticing something odd.
"Uh Rohan, there's no ship in front of us."
Rohan acting like he just noticed activated the com again.
"Phantom you are clear to drop cloak."
"Copy that blue leader"
Within an instant a large mandalorion cruiser appeared. The ship flew into one of the hangars of the cruiser and landed with an abrupt shake. As Rohan exited the ship Covena awestruck.
"Where did you even find such an old ship?"
"It was on Mandalore."
They began to walk to the elevator to the bridge.

As they walked onto the bridge Rohan looked at the holoradar.
"Captain we should make the jump to the fleet before that star destroyer sees us."
Covena looked at Rohan with another confused look.
"What fleet?"
"You'll see."
As the ship began to make the jump it raised its cloak disappearing into the emptyness of space.
As they traveled Covena began to question Rohan relentlessly.
"How can you possibly imply that you have a fleet with the empire nearly everywhere?"
"Look I understand the confusion. The fleet sits in the one system the empire has yet to occupy."
"Drohmand Kaus."
For those of you unaware, this was a planet that served as a capital for the ancient sith empire.
As the cruiser approached its destination Rohan told the engineers to drop the cloak.
"Covena, wait until you see our flagship."
As they dropped out of hyperspace Covena looked in disbelief. What she saw was a fleet of ten republic venator-class cruisers, three mandalorion cruisers, thirty five harrower-class star destroyers, and one big republic Mandator-class star dreadnought. The massive fleet of fifty total ships barely fit in the star system. Covena looked over to Rohan.
"It's impressive but what makes you think the empire won't be able to tear it apart?"
"Each one of these cruisers have been modified to carry and power better cannons than the empire can produce but the ultimate weapon they all have is the two super-laser cannons that are stored in the front of each ship,"
Rohan smiled for a moment be froe continuing.
"I like to call them cruiser busters. The best part is that the dreadnought carries six."

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