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The plane ride was long and hectic. It was non-stop flight. 10 straight hours of flying. There wasn't enough music in the world! Well there was, but I just didn't have it. When we arrived in California, I had only got 2 hours of sleep, and my eyes were so tired. We got are carry ons, luggage and walked out of the airport. I looked around until I saw the white BMW. I ran across the street and Zach got out of the car, and held out his arms. I wrapped my arms around him, and he picked me up and spun me. "I missed you soo much!" he said. "I missed you too Zach", I said into his ear. "Ahem!", Josh said. "Oh hey man, good to see you", Zach said. "Hey Zach", he replied. We put our stuff in the trunk, and got in the car. "So where do you guys wanna go" "Home!", we both yelled together. "Haha, Ok. home it is", Zach yelled pulling off. "WooHoo!"

"So how was it filming a movie Josh?", Zach asked. "Cool", he replied. I was surprised. I expected him to tell him every detail. It's what Josh did, that was his thing. Talking continuously.

When we reached the house, Josh jumped out of the car, grabbed his suitcase, and ran inside. He didn't even say bye to Zach. "You don't really wanna stay in your house do you?", Zach asked me. "Come over to my place. Everyone else is coming later, but we can just hang out until then." "Ok, let me just take my stuff inside first." I got out, and took my clothes inside. I changed into my AC/DC t shirt, and a pair of shorts, and ran back out to the car. "Ooooo well someones looking pretty", he said. I blushed, and we pulled off towards the highway.

We reached Zachs house in about 30 minutes, and when we got inside I went straight to the couch and laid down. "Hey no space for me?", Zach asked. I sat back up, and let him sit down before I wrapped my arm around him and laid my head on his chest. In the next 5 minutes I was sleep.

I woke up laying on my side on a bed. "Hey sleepyhead", Zach said. I turned around, and Zach was laying beside me. "Hey, um what's going on?", I asked. "Oh you fell asleep downstairs so I carried you up here to my bed. I was just about to go to sleep when you woke up.", He explained. "Oh, well thank you Sir Gordon. You're too kind", I said in a fake english accent. "Well anything for my queen", He said in the same accent. I was about to turn around, but he wrapped his arm around me and moved closer. "Aren't you tired?", I asked. "Yeah, and I don't wanna sleep without my baby", he replied. I smiled and closed my eyes, drifting back to sleep.

"Aw look at the lovebirds", A voice yelled. I opened my eyes and saw Joshua, and Aramis standing by the door. "Leave them alone!", Stella, and Amanda yelled, pulling them out of the room. Zach had taken his arm from around me so I got up and walked towards the door. "Hey, Where are you going", Zach said very softly. "Oh, Aramis, and everyone else are downstairs.", I said. "Who cares about them. Come here", He said standing up. I walked over to him and he wrapped his arms around me. He laid his head on my shoulder. He was taller than me so it wasnt awkward. "I'd never hurt you", He said. I smiled and hugged him back. He pulled back, and looked at me. "You're so beautiful.", he said. I looked up at him, and looked into his eyes. I looked into his big green eyes, and suddenly I found his lips on mine. I wanted to push away like before, bit I didn't. I embraced it, and kissed him back. I ran my hands through his short black hair, and his hands moved down my back slowly. I wanted to stop him when his hand reached my butt, but something inside of me couldn't do it, and instead I found myself unbuttoning his shirt, and pulling it off of him. I put my arms up onto his muscular chest, as he kissed me on the neck. "ZACH!", Amanda yelled. We both yelled and turned around. "WHAT, CANT YOU SEE IM BUSY HERE!?", he yelled. "You're moms on the phone downstairs" "Shit!", he said running out of the room. Amanda closed the door, and ran over to me. "Oh my gosh. Tell me everything!", she said. "What" "C'mon. Spill. How was he?" "Oh, umm...... OH MY GOSH IT WAS GREAT!" We both screamed and Aramis opened the door. "GET OUT", we both yelled. "Oh my gosh he is so hot, and his lips taste like... Well, i don't really know, but it was something good!" We screamed again and just then Zach walked back into the room. He motioned for Amanda to leave, but she protested. "What happened?", she asked. "Nothing, they just wanted to check up on me. Nothing serious" "Oh well thats great", I said. "Yeah, soo, are you gonna leave now", he said to Amanda. She nodded, and walked towards the door. "Now where were we", he said to me. "I dont know. You tell me", I said running my fingers down his chest. Just then my phone rang. "Ok thats it! No more phones ever!", He joked as I answered the unknown call

"Ashley!? Its Jake. Please don't hang up!", Jake said. My face went blank as he continued talking. I sat up to the edge of the bed and listened to his words.

"Ashley I'm truly sorry for all the pain I've caused you. I just want you to know that I'm not that kind of person. I was so jealous of you and Zach that I overreacted. I just want you to be happy, and if being with Zach is what makes you happy, I want you to be with him. For a long long time! Please, I just hope you forgive me. I hope we can still be friends. I love you Ash, I really do."

My face was blank, and i couldn't even think of anything to say at all. "I gotta go. Ill talk to you later", he said before hanging up. I sat there staring at the wall for what felt like forever! Zach came a wrapped his arms around me and we stayed, just like that.

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