The End

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"She's unconscious. She could recover, but right now there are no signs of it happening."

The tears started running down my face uncontrollably. What had I done!? God what was wrong with me!?

"And what about Zach, Doctor?" "He's gonna be just fine. He only suffered a small head injury and is responding fully. With a couple hours of recovery, he should be just fine."

The blood rushed to my head and I suddenly was infuriated again. Not only had I hurt, and probably killed the love of my life, but I didn't hurt that bastard. I got down on my knees beside the bed and started to pray. "um you should keep your head up, you did suffer a small concussion, we don't want any other problems.", the doctor informed me. I ignored her and continued praying. Just then her parents rushed in. "Jake!? Oh my god Jake what happened, are they gonna be okay" Ashley's Mom cried. I ignored her and continued praying. "Jake sweetie, please tell me what happened" "It was a car accident. Jake hit the Limo that Ashley and her boyfriend were traveling in, he claims-", The Doctor chimed in. "He's NOT her boyfriend!", I yelled cutting her off. They all stared at me, and then realization began to come across her dads face. Anger boiled up inside of him and before i knew it his hands were wrapped around my neck. The doctors and other random people from the hallway prying him off of me. When he finally got loose he stared a devilish stare at me. One I hadn't seen since I skipped the first days of my TV show taping and went to confront Zach while Ashley was in Canada. He told me that he didn't care about my feelings or how Ashley was such a good girl before. That this was the real Ashley, the one she was always supposed to be, and that he was just helping her realize her true self. I had the strongest urge to punch him in the face, but I didn't. Ashley wouldn't want it.

The family soon kicked me out of the room, and made sure security wouldn't let me in even once visiting hours were over. They tried to get me kicked out of the waiting area, but after many failed attempts, security told them There was nothing they could do because it was a public room. I can't remember how many times I cried just thinking about what I had done. "Where is she!? Where is she!?", Zach yelled walking in his hospital gown through the waiting area. "You! You little shit!", he yelled running over to me before Ashley's dad grabbed him and pulled him towards Ashley's room. Screams and sobs came pouring out of their direction after about an hour. I prayed for another family to walk pass. For a doctor to lower her head to the elderly man next to me, or the crying twins sitting across from me. For it to be a TV show turned up too loud. For them to laugh off a joke about faulty machinery and say that it wasn't true, but no matter how hard I hoped, and prayed, and pleaded, and begged. Nothing.


They rolled the covered up body down pass the waiting area and down pass a set of doors. They all walked into the waiting area stood there silently crying, staring at me. Ashley's dad with his arm wrapped around Zach's shoulder. As if they were some kind of family, as if they didn't just hate each other a couple hours ago. I was disgusted, and angry, and sad, and confused. I had to get out of there.


I wasn't invited to the funeral, Zach was. Or the wake, Zach was. Or the family brunch after, Zach was. I guess these were just some of the perks I got after they spared me and refused to press charges, although I did get a couple of speeding tickets. The entire family hasn't been home since, I don't know who they're staying with, but I guess its natural, especially since we live right next door to each other. I swear though, every time I look out my window, i can see her. Laughing, talking, crying, smiling, all the best days we had together. All the bad days we had together

I took a drive up to the cliff. Right around sunset, just like the first time. I felt so free, so open. I looked out at the orange sunset that tried to hide under the blue waves; it was all hers now. All yours Ashley, enjoy it, you're free! And although I know I could never forgive myself, I really hope you could forgive me, because You know.... You know I'd never hurt you.


A/N well guys this is the end. I really can't believe I'm actually ending this *wipes tear* (i actually did cry) this story meant so much to me and its crazy how much a story can make you feel something especially if you're writing it. I honestly don't feel right ending it, but I do think its time. I know a lot of the reads have gone down since last year when I first started writing it, but if you stuck with me and my horrible editing times then You're the Real MVP! Lol well guys I guess this is it. Thanks so much for reading this and voting for it and all that good stuff, and if you like it (or hated it, hey you never know) I have 2 other fanfics that I recently started on my account if you wanna go check it out. Its called "A Girl Untouched", and "An adventure in romance" I really think you guys would like them! So again bye. Im gonna end this now and go cry in a corner, Bye!

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