Bonus Epilogue, WARNINGS *Sexual Content*

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A/N: Yep, that's right I wrote myself a lovely little lemon. This piece was done mainly for fun, but in a way I feel like it really ties up the story. So warning warning danger Will Robinson this chapter contains sexual content, so please proceed with light caution and enjoy. (my first "graphic" scene so withhold harsh judgment)

    Itwas the night of our wedding, a perfect night, the night that changedeverything for the best. Derek had spared no expense. He had gotten us asection of the beach, with the skies looking crystal blue and spotless. Theguests were excited, and content. The wind blew softly, sending a slight saltyspray through the air. Waves passed over the sand, slowly crawling back to thesea then returned to get another peek at what was going on. Derek stood at thealtar, looking more nervous than I had ever seen him. It unsettled me to seehis eyes full of so much doubt. I stepped into view of the crowd, and heard thecollective gasp. I was draped in a simple white dress, opened slightly in thefront to reveal one calf. There were no sleeves, just lace gloves reaching tomy biceps. My hair was curled and brushed over one shoulder. In my hands I helda small bouquet of white roses and irises. I stepped forward slowly, staringstraight ahead at Derek's expression. The closer I got the more tension thatfell from his beautiful features. His face looked perfectly relaxed and atpeace when he held out his hand for me. I took it gratefully and stood besidehim. The ceremony went by smoother than flowing water. Nobody objected, as Ihad hoped. When it came time for the "I do's", we both said them withouthesitation. The rings were placed on our fingers, gliding on as though theywere meant to be there. Which, of course they were. A silent tear slid down mycheek. He reached out a hand and gently wiped it. Then as we were told to doso, he cupped my face and leaned closer. Our lips repeated a motion they hadgrown so fond of, except this time they radiated love, and only love. Pure andonly for the other. My eyes closed, and did not truly open again until latethat night. I remember every detail clearly. We were in a seaside hotel room,large, beautiful, and with hints of aqua blue everywhere. It brought backmemories of high school, that blue. It was my hair, the hair I had when we fellin love. I was laid down on the queen sized bed. The sheets were so soft,though not nearly as much so asDerek's silk hair. Speaking of which I had my fingers entangled in said hair.His lips attacked mine with passion, a passion I eagerly returned full force. Ifelt his tongue lightly and hesitantly brush against my bottom lip. The actionforced a gasp from me, causing my mouth to open. He saw it as an opportunityand let his tongue slide inside. A moan tore through my throat as I felt thatwarm appendage race along my teeth, the roof of my mouth, and anywhere else itcould reach. I let my own dance with his, tasting everything about him. Isavored his unique and wonderful flavor that could be compared to nothing inthis world. I tugged at his hair, earning his first throaty moan of the night.His hands traveled lower than reached behind me and slowly unzipped the dress.He leaned back and stared into my eyes. His were like hot chocolate, darkenedby lust and desire. I'm sure my own were just as dark, if not darker, for myneed was bursting through my veins. He was silently asking, nearly pleadingwith me. In reply I slipped myself out of the fabric that encased me. My bodywas revealed before him, trembling with nerves and excitement. His eyes shonewith love as he reached out to lay a hand on my bare chest. It felt like fireagainst my skin. He removed his hand only to take off his shirt. His torso waslaid out before me, tan as the rest of him. There was a trail of hair goingfrom his chest to his abdomen. Normally I would not have been attracted to ahairy guy, but on Derek, it was the sexiest thing I had ever seen. My mouthnearly watered just from looking. In the time I took to stare at him, Derek hadbegun to grow nervous that I did not approve of what I saw. To prove I lovedit, I slipped completely out of the dress and crawled over to him. I wrapped myarms around his neck and pulled him down with me. As our chests touched, myskin felt a jolt of electricity spark everywhere. My body begged to feel moreof him, to never let us separate. His lips crashed against mine heatedly,obviously feeling the same desperate hunger as I was. His tongue was likelightning in my mouth, and mine was just as ready to dance. We battled wildlyfor only a few moments before our desire became more and more noticeable. Ablush started to creep up on his cheeks, something I found so sweet and somethingI could relate to for I felt the same familiar burn on my face. He whispered sosoftly, "Do you want to go through with this? You don't have to if you're notready." His concern, and his arms wrapped around me gave all the reassurance Ineeded. Slowly I slipped out of what little covering I had left. Now my entirebody was left out for his scrutiny, waiting to hear if he approved. He gazed ateverything I had to offer, and without saying anything, he leaned down andgently kissed my neck. His lips trailed from my throat to my collarbone beforehe started nipping softly at the skin. A deep moan escaped me as his teethgrazed me. My arousal was quite prominent, and very demanding. A whimpersounded inside me and he seemed to have heard. He chuckled and started kissingdown my body at an agonizingly slow pace. I started panting, desperate for himto do something more. It actually took me by surprise when he did. He took meinto his mouth, guiding himself along me in the most mind-blowing technique Ihad or ever would felt. He glanced up at me with his dark brown lust-filledeyes and I nearly fell over the edge in that instance. I was just able to warnhim in a pleading voice before I did, causing him to release me from his warmand tantalizing hold. Yet his hand never left me, wanting to keep me hangingonto the edge. He grinned at me evilly and I bit my bottom lip in desperation.When he did remove his hand, a loud whimper sounded from me. But, when I sawwhat he was doing, my eyes expanded in size and my mouth started salivating. Hewas removing the rest of his clothes, now revealing himself to my hungry gaze.And oh did I stare. The size was just above average, perfect in every detail.Without any hesitation I again crawled forward and engulfed him into my needymouth. The taste, the texture, the action itself was that of pure bliss. Heavymoans tore from his throat, showering me in layers of ecstasy. I hummed inpleasure, sending vibrations straight to his most sensitive area. His hipsbucked instinctively, but not enough to hurt me. I took him as deep as I could, making sure hewas coated and soaked. Then I released him, as he had done to me, and heard himpout for more. I stretched up and kissed him on the lips, earning myselfanother beautiful moan. I reached out forthe nightstand that stood beside the bed, feeling around the top for a smallbottle we had bought earlier in preparation for this. When I found it, my handclosed tightly around it. I passed the bottle to him, hoping he knew what todo. Luckily he did, as I felt the object was taken from my hand and heard thesound of the cap being opened. He kissed me deeply as we slowly lowered to thebed. I spread open my legs, feeling the blush burn my cheeks from exposingmyself yet again to him. He simply drank in the sight before him as he went towork preparing me. I remember it being cold, yet pleasant, stretching, butwonderful. After what felt like agonizing hours we both felt that I was openenough for what was to come next. Using the lotion, he recoated himself andaligned at my entrance. His tongue entered my mouth as his lower glory enteredme. It was so much more than a couple fingers, and the stretching was intense.It burned slightly, bringing tears to my eyes. Derek opened his own to look atme as our tongues continued their familiar dance. As I gazed into that softbrown world, my whole body lost any sign of tenseness, and I could finally feelthe pleasure of what he was doing. He was going so slow, careful not to hurtme. I saw in his eyes the restraint, and the love of what he was doing. Ileaned my lips to his ear and whispered, "Please, don't hold back anymore." Thewalls fell through the earth as he began a faster rhythm inside of me. At onepoint he hit something so sensitive that I cried out in pure bliss. My nailsdragged down his back, earning me the loudest, sexiest, moan I had ever heard.Oh if only I could have that as a ringtone. His thrusts continued to getfaster, harder, and deeper. Every movement brought wave after wave of burningpleasure. He gripped his arms around my waist and leaned down to nip at myneck. After every bite followed a kiss, lick, or an "I love you." I started tofeel myself coming closer and closer to the edge, my moans turning intodesperate pants and pleas. My last plea was for him to look at me, which hedid. Ours eyes made contact and in that split second, I let myself go. A moan,more like a scream, ripped from my throat as the pleasure became a burning fireof bliss. I heard his own scream as he finished inside of me. It was a rush of warmththat I needed more of. His body was thrown into spasms, as was my own. When ourhigh finally passed, he collapsed beside me on the bed. I nestled into his warmembrace and wrapped my arms around his chest. We were both sweating andpanting, but it felt so right, so perfect. His beautiful voice, heavy withexhaustion, whispered, "Goodnight my perfect, beautiful love. I'll see you inthe morning." He kissed the top of my head and slowly fell into a deep sleep. Ismiled, kissed his chest and said softly, "Goodnight my Iris."

Fin (I mean it this time lol)

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